Oh fuck

Oh fuck.

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How will you be spending your last 4 years, Any Forums?

We aren't and empire though. We are still in the republic stage. We will soon see if we can make it to the 1000 year reign or crumble to dust.

Considering the US didn't become great until the post WWI era...

There was only one cause, and it was the cult system that ran rome deciding it needed to die.

>1000 years
This post proves America is finished.

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God fucking damn it, our hellhole has almost a hundred fucking years left by your metric. Let's lower the average.

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>How will you be spending your last 4 years, Any Forums?
Imagining the atrocities I will commit during the invasion of Canada

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We either collapse or become something greater. We will know if its at least a possibility soon enough.

>We aren't and empire though.
Low iq take

Just remember we're up there in the top 10 nations of civilian gun owners, right next to Montenegro and the Western Sahara. You'll fit right in.



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Being American is an atrocity enough.

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You're not wrong, though I'm betting on collapse. Everyone is too retarded to have a functional society. That and the racial jungle.

We're an early Republic you fucking idiot. People in Europe like to say how their house is older than our country. We haven't even begun the Empire stage.

China is our Carthage.

>Being American is an atrocity enough.

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God you're fucking stupid

I don't want your unsolicited selfies.

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I could see this starting in Canada and making its way to the states

my stone house is older than your country

Its the end for murikkans

sorry eh, here's an unsolicited picture of your family instead

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That’s precisely when America stopped being great

>brags about living in old shack
Kek you euros

Also, Rome had a lot of faggots.

You were one of them

It's when it stopped being good to its people. Just like Rome. Gracchi and all that.

We're only at the Tiberius Gracchus part of the timeline. Caesar will come in about 30-40 years.


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Checked ave true to ceaser

American died in 1865, fuck Lincoln.

you mean the invasion of America by China with Canada as China's conduit

Nothing is ever going to change until we run out of a vital resource or a meteor smashes into us. Everything interesting that could have ever happened, has already happened. Sure, the borders of some small irrelevant countries might shift here and there, but we’re just going to keep listening to the same music and buying the same clothes and watching the same movies and driving the same roads until “the end” which won’t even be caused by anything interesting. We’re just going to stagnate, gasp, and keel over.

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fuckin based

america is the oldest country in the world and we will keep going just fine

vancouver city hall flew the china flag yesterday

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uhm... user?

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