I live next to RAF Lakenheath and 75 jets just flew out and i checked flight radar their transponders must be turned off

i live next to RAF Lakenheath and 75 jets just flew out and i checked flight radar their transponders must be turned off

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Prove it teafag

Putin said you'd be the first.

it must have been f35 they set the car alarms off again

Confirming. Am in Cambridge and was woken up by the sound. Most Jets I've ever seen. They train often - but this is a lot.

A lot is happening right now. I hear LOTS of distant police sirens as well but that might be nothing.

Show me some twitter posts and I'll believe it.

This sounds extremely important. However, there is only one way to fully grasp how dire this situation truly is. Listen carefully, user, did the jets fly OVER your house or AROUND?

Proof nigger, now.

>depending on twitter posts
>implying that every user is a nigger cattle social media dependent faggot like you
absolute nu-Any Forums retarded

they train at 0200 am?

Usually around 10pm honestly

Nothing in lemoore navy airforce base

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SHIT I'm sorry, that proves it.

>RAF Lakenheath
that a US military base iirc?

Jesus, Russia would be throttled beyond ash if shit kicked off.

OP lies

A Russian jet flew over my house

Yeah well my uncle works at nintendo and he said nothing ever happens.

You will never have a real victory. You have no triumphs, you have no honor, you have no accomplishments. You have a failed military twisted by Zionism and the profit motive of the military-industrial complex into a crude mockery of history’s perfection.

All the “support” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your civilian population is disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your failed campaigns behind closed doors.

Guerrillas are utterly unafraid of you. Thousands of years of warfare have allowed guerrillas to sniff out military incompetence with incredible efficiency. Even battles you “won” look fleeting and inconsequential to a guerilla. Your casualty aversion is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to bomb a village, its inhabitants pick up arms the second they gets a whiff of your cowardly, doomed occupation.

You will never be victorious. You beg Congress for additional spending every single year and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the casualty count creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll open negotiations, set a timetable, withdraw, and abandon massive stockpiles of weaponry. The guerrillas will capture your local allies, overjoyed and relieved that they can jail or kill them at will. They’ll drape the capital city with a flag flown by your enemies, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know your military failed there. Your veterans will seethe and go back to homelessness and drug addiction, and all that will remain of your legacy is some Hollywood movies that are unmistakably inaccurate.

This is your fate. This is what AIPAC and Lockheed Martin chose. There is no turning back.

Can the bombing start already?

two more hours

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>i live next to RAF Lakenheath and 75 jets just flew out and i checked flight radar

>dads cousins friend