This is why you're losing

They are allowed to do this

Attached: slsi.png (464x173, 24.86K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Protestors are stupid, they should be armed. They can use stand your ground laws to kill fuckers who intervene

iowa legalized running over protestors, not the truck driver's problem

>staged photo
>no video
Is linking to dox considered dox?
I think so, because same as linking to anything else illegal, right?
Enjoy your b& OP

I'm waiting for those high capacity magazines popping off, can't wait for Mitch McConnell bend the long busted knee and sell the whole firm.

Dumb fag lol

They surrounded and attacked the truck and were pushing on the hood from the front. Absolutely justified.

hahah these people are fucking insane demons. bunch of retarded roasties run in front of his truck to stage a photo op while he drives 5 mph then twitter faggots try to ruin his life and drive him to suicide by coming up with the most intricate, vicious attacks

>Hanging onto a fucking truck
>REEEEing and hitting it with their hands
And we're supposed to be surprised that some of them were jostled a bit by the truck trying to get out of there before shit got really bad?

>Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Oh god it's all coming back...

Attached: nwo-souled-out-1997.jpg (640x360, 46.5K)

this is what happens when you don't have a family, you fucking hate your life, and have no self-reflection. you dedicate hours of your time and money sleuthing on the internet to ruin a random guys' life because of some scenario you made up in your head to make yourself a victim. the only solution to this is [fed post redacted]

1. women obviously shouldn't be behaving like this 2. standing in front of a moving truck trying to push back against it is the only convincing pro-very late term abortion argument i've heard in the past 24 hours 3. rape


The best part? The cops already talked to the guy, and apparently did not arrest him.

It’s okay, they’re just clumps of cells

standing in moving traffic is more or less in the same league as yelling fire in an elevator.

Attached: i_dont_give_a_shit.gif (800x450, 1.72M)

I saw the vid in another thread, dumb roasties jumped in front of a slowly moving truck and tried to stop it with their hands

Attached: 1E79ADBC-C8BD-4FD0-AEFB-10B777C2ED9E.jpg (700x707, 56.96K)

Char lie

>"Me and my histrionic comrades are gonna stop your vehicle, swarm it and smash your windows and there's nothing you can do to st-"
What's the force required to engage a Ford Raptor gas pedal? Because that's all what's needed to stop these vehicular operations hallenged women.

>dox him
>cops interview
>wasn't charged
>no video posted here
>any video posted omits prior events
this is just antifa dying mad about getting rittenhoused again
they're only going to get more unhinged since they can't take losing at all

First picture of the driver.

Attached: index.jpg (320x180, 8K)

If they try to take him on bullshit, people need to rally around him armed to the teeth, Bundy ranch style.
Remember nobody got charged from that, whereas cuck optics worshippers always get fucked every time.
If the feds faced a wall of firepower whenever they tried shit, they wouldn't be acting so fearlessly all the time.


Attached: smug_maga.jpg (512x512, 39.8K)

Cuz when your nWo, you're nWo 4 life

his words were "wie sie alle zucken"

Attached: DrachenlordBane.jpg (800x600, 141.96K)

You are nigger tier retarded.

>fake event
>massive dox
What the FUCK is wrong with this person??

>block the road "peacefully"
>get run over
this peaceful blocking shit is retarded, what about blocking the road even if there's an ambulance? how about just blocking somebody in "peacefully" until they die of thirst? it's called a holdup and it's fucking illegal

Attached: protest crusher 9000.png (512x512, 523.94K)