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Child pornography and sex slaves are rampant in Russia, same as China and other 3rd world shit holes.

He's got a bunch of good speeches.

I 100% believe he would say something like that, but to be fair I never saw the source of it.

yes but technically he never said Russia was exempt from his statement.

USA is the number one CP creator

it's possible to access a mindset where both the US and Russia are evil.

Noooo! tHou must shoose jew 1 or twooo!!!

USA is way worse simply because they worship niggers and trannies

We can compare rape and HIV rates between the west and Russia if you would like to.

Russia is actively helping to bring these people to Europe.

>nooo you must be a small and isolated group of internet users and not pick sides in a hot WW3!

Attached: russian_boomber.jpg (1278x678, 312.88K)

>europe doesn't responsible for muslim immigrants
germbro, I

Made up story like anything he says.

>you can't criticize X as official policy in another country because X sometimes happens unofficially in your own country
whataboutism, ignore this russian troll

guys, should we tell him about Hollywood?

The waters are a bit muddied on that topic.
What I found was USA, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus and Russia were the top producers but Netherlands is the top consumer and Mexico was also a major producer and consumer.

Do you think your "support" does anything?

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He does. Compared to the freaks that run Western nations, Putin looks like a very normal and rational person.

putin is globohomo: antifa commie version

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Is this a bot?
that shit is rampant within 50 miles of any user here
part and parcel of living in demon world

I hate to break it to you, but Hollywood is not the worst place on the planet, especially not for children

the Jewish criminals that ran Russia made it that way, hopefully Putin can put a stop to it and restore some national pride in the Russian people, it seems like he already has done that if you compare the situation now to when he took power