Actual Political discussion time

Do you think that if Lithuania or some other minor country call upon article 5 of NATO the USA and western europe will actually do something or they will make some excuses like "the act of aggression was made by lithuania" or something?

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Everyone is familiar with natos article 5 i assure you

Unless there is absolutely no way to get supplies to Kalingrad, I don't see Russia taking the bait.

Western Europe will probably sent some token forces, eastern European NATO+USA will do most of fighting but its more than enough to eradicate russian forces

The whole free world will act to keep decent hard-working people of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia free from tyranny. Yes. Undoubtedly. Russia will be burned bread product by the end of the week after setting so much as one of their six toes in Baltic lands.

There would be so much civil unrest and military mutiny that it would be impossible. Liuthuniggers are going to get subjugated and expose the death of NATO

Tough question. One thing is clear, however: If NATO does not respond militarily to an attack, the entire alliance becomes obsolete at once. The stakes are really high on this one. Putin might assume that NATO fears a direct military confrontation and make a move.

>If NATO does not respond militarily to an attack, the entire alliance becomes obsolete at once.
well, that's a given if a defensive alliance doesn't defend what is the utility anymore?

read article 5 dammit! It doesn't specify that allies have to send soldiers, just that they have to support/help the attacked ally

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No shit. This is the primary reason why so much is at stake here. NATO has to go to war with Russia directly if Putin makes a move. Unlike Ukraine, you can't just send some weapons to Lithuania and that's it, you'd actually have to put boots on the ground and fight Russian forces.
I'm not sure if anyone in the West is truly willing to do so. Putin may very well assume that NATO would not respond with military means because of an attack on Lithuania. In a sense, the attack on Ukraine already was the point of no return so I wouldn't be surprised if the Baltic states are next.

Technically correct. However, anything short of a deployment of forces in support of Lithuania would render NATO obsolete.

are you sure? if its true then there is a 100% they will just send weapons, especially if its a little nation no one even heard off

probably not though

We wouldnt do anything. We lied. You are on your own.

I guarantee we will not be willing to risk WW3 over Lithuania, NATO or not. Lithuania might be fucked. Of course we’ll leave them out to dry. The last 15 years of American foreign policy ought to tell you we have a great track record of ditching those who are on our side.

Lithuania basically handed casus belli to the russians on a silver platter in this case

They'll most likely cuck, and place more sanctions that's gonne rekt yurop even more, kek. Fuck this shit. I hope I live long enough to see death and destruction everywhere.

Sure, you're right in that regard. But there's also the fact that most NATO nations are in no state to go to war, especially you Hans.

> are you sure?
Just look up article 5 on google cazzo di mierda

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What’s even more telling us that Lithuania didn’t appeal or seek an exemption from the EU, they didn’t even try. There goes the “we’re just following the embargo EU rules” logic. It looks like Lithuania is more than willing to shit all over Russia and not even be cautious about it like the Polish we’re with those planes (which the US obviously backed out of, publicly). Looks like the Biden admin were willing to get some suckers in the Lithuanian gov and it worked.

This is exactly why Putin might be willing to actually pull this off. While their operations in Ukraine have proven that their military is a paper tiger, they at least have the capability to actually put boots on the ground and Lithuania's military is arguably worse than Ukraine's.

Nato stands no chance against russia and/or china. It's a meme group used only to steal money and kidnap kids. Literally the same as the UN

Depends, Russia appears to have more control over them then most even currently realize.

When it suit themand how it suits them, they have their plans and contingencies for certain developments and appear to be well oiled!
Ofcourse full fledged destruction can occur, thwt was alway a very high possibility, but meanwhile everything appears to have been well preped!

If it wants an article five, it will get it when it suits it. If it dosent it will go as far as its needed, and if it wants to kick nato and not trigger article five and make it look even weaker it can, given destruction is accounted for as a possibility, it's flear they have a time and a place for their operations which have been well prepared.
It's now more then obvious, only denial can shade the obvious truth on all fronts, denial and delusions are not good, they get in the way of truth and solutions, not thqt nato has many solutions at any stage that is!

Except full fledged destruction.
And that's thr truth.

>It looks like Lithuania is more than willing to shit all over Russia
Can you blame them, taking their history into consideration?

I would say that paper tiger is an exaggeration. It's more that we expected them to be more ruthless. With Lithuanians on the other hand...well they hate them with a passion I think

also, pic related
> vom watzmann bis zum wendelstein bleibt's ruhig

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>act of agression was made by Lithuania
I thought that was their default option in the first place if anything like this ever happened
