Why is this SHIT a thing? Every faggot and lard ass feminist is wearing it.

Attached: nasa-aop-short-sleeve-t-shirt.jpg (275x275, 14.72K)

I think they're just selling the branding to anyone.
I see these cheap NASA t-shirts in our grocery stores.

Pol: " People wearing shirts! Arrrrgh! Shirts of so fucking WOKE! "

Just them pretending to have any association whatsoever with logic, reason, and scientific thought (they don't).

NASA is gay as fuck. It’s like wearing a mask. They are “believe the science!” Leftists. NASA hasn’t done shit since the 70s. It’s all space-x now lmao


But space-x has a white supremacist African immigrant at the head of the company so that’s scary

It's the new cross.
As science is the new religion.
These are the new car fish and cross necklaces
But it's cringe to signal through anything but a t-shirt so t-shirts are where you advertise who you are as a person

Well I used believe it too but by today's standards the moon landing is laughable as fuck. But the moon landing was still a more well thought out hoax that the some fake virus larp

This is the correct answer. NASA is not an elite institution inspiring anymore, so they need to raise money and awareness by getting the heckin STEAM kids to wear NASA merch

exactly this, the supreme irony is a *literal* nazi Von Braun was pivotal in the US space program

I've only ever seen trannies and violent Leftists wear NASA gear. Legit believe it's related to Satanism.

Attached: NASA Snake.jpg (255x149, 10.83K)

Never forget what they took from you

Attached: apollo.jpg (539x450, 94.06K)

He is forgotten. More than that, he's cancelled.

Attached: BraunWernher300px.jpg (300x450, 20.94K)

Space doesn't exist so who cares


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i saw a mexican guy get beheaded in one of those cartel videos, he was wearing a nasa shirt

guess he wont be using his noggin any more.

There useless and they want you to know all they're good for is taking up space.

They sell NASA logo shirts at Target. It's completely low effort to get one. Probably a psyop.

>muh kid needs shirt
>go to box store
>10 printed tshirt options
>pick NASA one cuz rockets are ok

this is why our moon program is always behind schedule, the rocket scientists keep getting beheaded

Because space is fake and gay and normies / the trust the science crowd / conservatives (tm) love space.
Leftists hate space because it wastes money that could be going to poor oppressed minorities.

Attached: 1639447505084.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

A law should be passed that the only people that get to wear NASA apparel are people that work at NASA or have worked at NASA.

what is woke about NASA logos? What are you talking about?

KSP 2 looks lit

It's called marketing you retard, same shit as 4th of July, state propaganda for you.

>Earths "tilt" (23.4) subtracted from 90 degrees is 66.6
>the earth is "orbiting" sun at 66,600 mph
you bet your ass it is