Gun control unequivocally work to reduce mass shootings

Australia has had 1 mass shooting since 1996.
>But gun homicides didn't go down
No one said it would, it's targeting mass shootings.
>But it won't work in the US because we're unique snowflakes
I appreciate you feels posting, but I'm gonna go with the data on this one.
>But I want kids to die
Carry on then I guess.

Attached: 89048721098374234.png (900x448, 47.4K)

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Niggers want to exterminate whites.

I can carry a gun outside now in California. I did anyways but now it’s legal!

literally doesn't matter,

the right of the people shall not be infringed

>>But it won't work in the US because we're unique snowflakes
>I appreciate you feels posting, but I'm gonna go with the data on this one.
I'm gonna go with the data that we have more niggers and spics, and that most of the world's guns are in circulation in the United States already. You can feel free to believe what worked for one place will work for another that isn't similar

Wow I wonder how the Australians didn't think of that one. Please don't tell them so they'll start having mass shootings again.
Are you really this retarded?

I want kids to die

Watch out for grenades Sven

>I feel that because of demographic difference, it would be different.
So more feels posting, that's cool.
The only thing is.. you don't know what's going to happen, you're just assuming.
And you're willing go gamble peoples lives on your feelings.

>What is Simpson falacy?

I hate normies statistics so much

Yes sir I will watch out for that thing that happened 4 years ago.
It's almost like we've dealt with it instead of just ignoring

Let's dig some deeper into who actually causes the mass shootings, shall we:

Attached: 2016 Crime Data.png (2332x2377, 1.15M)

And you feel that what worked for a problem with different variables will work for another problem with different variables. You aren't nearly as intelligent as you're trying to make yourself out to be.

I don’t take orders from Nigerians

We got more than 1 million new guns registered under Bolsonaro and the homicide rates went down from 60k/year to 40k/year

I have evidence that it does work and no reason to believe it wouldn't. You're literally just feels posting.
You aren't nearly as intelligent as you're trying to make yourself out to be.

Wow, you really have evidence that gun control works in America? Can you please show it? Otherwise I'll disregard your hand waving of my arguments and conclude you are "feels posting"


Now do you have some evidence that they would not be impacted by gun laws?
Oh you don't?
Well that's interesting.
Go ahead and respond with some feels anyway

>I feel like it wouldn't work in America
I'm sorry but I don't take feels as an argument

for the US, banning AR-15 should be enough.
Majority of the biggest mass shootings have AR-15 involved.

>I feel like it would work in America
Sorry, I don't take feels as an argument.

I think you're ignoring the elephant in the room, namely that despite being 13% of the population, black people commit (see the image related):
>we don't need gun control if there are no niggers and spics

Attached: Despite Being Only 13% of the Population.png (1080x1080, 33.64K)

>gun control on an island will work just the same in a nation with 6,000 miles of uncontrolled borders
>gun control laws for a nation with no 2A will work in a nation with the 2A
>gun control laws will work the same in a nation full of whites as a nation full of poc

out of the top 10 mass shooting in the US there are none commited by blacks
their mass shootings are usually numerous, but small in scale

It worked in Australia, in Canada and in the UK.
You're the one who has to come up with an argument why it wouldn't work.
Feels still don't count


>out of the top 10 mass shooting in the US there are none commited by blacks
they have a score board for that, lmao

also, nice source and memeflag you got there

1 mass shooting!*
>*after we changed the legal definition of mass shooting so all the ones we had previously no longer counted

And none of those places have the same demographic situation or nearly the number of guns in circulation, nor do they have the same culture as America. I will not accept what you "feel" as an argument just like you won't with me.

So what?

I bet grafting a CCTV camera onto everyone's fucking skull would reduce crime too. Do you think that's something that should be done?

>Black people who commit crimes frequently walk into gun stores and purchase guns legally

Are you fucking retarded?

From the study itself
>A mass shooting was defined for the
purposes of this paper as an incident that
>resulted in the death by gunshot wound
of four or more persons; and
>perpetrated either at the same site or at
multiple sites without interruption ie not
including the time taken to travel
between sites.

>sample size: 2
Now new Mexico pre- and post-gun control, you disingenuous faggot.

>No U
Really great argument Cletus, do you mind if I borrow it?
I have data, you just have feels.

dude you can check by yourself
top 3 were paddock, omar, cho
Any Forumstard from el paso also made the top 10

What is your point?

>you can't just handwave my arguments away like I do with you
I can, and I will. Now go ahead and show me the data that gun control works in America.

Switzerland has the 2nd most lax gun regulations in the world, after the US.
We had 2 mass shootings during the last 22 years, one was done with an illegally purchased pistol. We did not adjust gun laws after those incidents, because were not cucks led by emotional women.

Attached: 154678957905.jpg (500x417, 43.03K)

Yeah, I'm sure. Consider suicide, memeflag

Attached: Jewish Schoolshoters.gif (2182x3349, 1.06M)