Nick Fuentes Warns Homosexuals and Fornicators That They're Next

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No one cares about this irrelevant try hard astroturfed zoomer kike controlled OP who has multiple gay shill threads filled with fake comments from their chat script at all times. These kike parasites desperately want you to pay attention to shabbos and kike “e-celebs” while sliding the board and astroturfing kikes as your leaders. This is just one example of a shill op currently taking place.

Nick Fuentes is a power bottom

Tranny fap.

bro its all a conspiracy and the tranny was really feminine anyways

Fuck Nick Fuentes and fuck Republicans and fuck Neo Nazis

Hey, user, you are next. We are coming for your rights.



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Oh my Jesus, please let the court be this based and overturn Lawrence v. Texas.

But nick is a homosexual

Another astroturfed thread about this ABSOLUTE NOBODY FAGGOT Spic Faggotes.
Kill yourself OP, NOW!

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>But nick is a homosexual

most white people are. infact your dominant white culture is gay pride.

The crab hand. Below even the hover hand

Next to get blown by spic?

>nick fuentes addresses his own community, warning that homosexuals and fornicators are next
seems about right

Oh look all the bots threads finally died

Honestly as a COOMER myself I dont want to ban this shit but the left has become so fucking chronically gay I am completely fine crushing them

If that means fags need to go back in the closet and I cant get my porn as easy so fucking be it the left is killing western civ and it needs to stop now.

Nick the criminal:

Nick doesn't care about the law (according to his own words):

Nick reafirms that he doesn't care about the law:
6:44:15 (until 6:49:00):

NOTE: for zoomers that don't get the Spartacus reference:
The sandal reference comes from the fact that people in Rome at that time used to wear those (it's a type of footwear).

7:21:25 (until 7:24:00)
Nick claims that "criminals are based".

Nick informs the audience that he is going to have Baked Alaska killed in prison if Baked implicates him in his plea deal (keep in mind Nick's advisor for America First is a confirmed fed (via court documents, check here: ) called Milo)
Nick informs the world that he decides who should have a platform online (keep in mind he claims that one of his contributions to save the White race is to have built a free speech platform, making him a hipocrite weasel).

At 1:59:00 (until 2:12:15) we see Nick arguing that no matter what a "leader" does, it doesn't matter and "we" need to support the "leader":
Nico explains how loyalty to principles is backstabbing, and basically just glows as bright as the sun as he explains that loyalty to him must be absolute no matter what he does.
Nick being proud of having groypers saying they would kill, rape and die for him.
Nick tells the world he wishes he could go out at night and murder people, while he is under federal investigation (glows hard).

Nick is a delusional homo that wants to be worshiped (idolatry and blasphemy) and wants his followers to not ever question him no matter what, while telling them that the law doesn't matter. He is a deranged faggot.

>I do degenerate things because they feel good.
>I like doing degenerate things.
>I have no plans to stop doing degenerate things.
>But fuck the leftists, those guys are degenerate.