Imagine the smell

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Imagine society if hookup culture permanently died. Imagine if women had to chose men based on their long term family providing potential and not just drunken cock seeking.

So she has vaginal fongus (yeast) and is showing it to everyone? Fucking lol what

The irony is the men they think they are talking to, the incels, have been without love or sex their entire lives. The women are the exact opposite and think they can go for even a week without cock. They can't. Will be funny when they realize they lost before this even started.

if you have to resort to even more degeneracy because you cant fuck random whores then you do not deserve to be on this website

>First day of not fucking men

there are some simpletons out there user, they make little sense and have almost zero self awareness

>whores not fucking anymore
yeah right

I suppose it's hard to do this:

> Yeah I had a vasectomy

If you want credibility just do one then reverse it

>doesn't cram a skin flutes up her snatch for a day
>expects praise

Even normal guys who do have the secks don't need libtarded women to get it. They're no fun at the bar past 3 or 4 drinks anyway.

The only men who are being punished by this are the ones who were pro choice to begin with.
It's so good to watch feminist men be repeatedly denied sex.

Can anyone explain the Monistat in this picture?
I'm so confused

>abortion rights are human rights
lmao at the obvious pilpul in this sentiment, trying to say that babies are not humans and do not deserve rights

Her pussy is infected. What was so hard to understand?

This... Men who enjoy fucking stinky blown out pussy.


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Lmao nasty bitch showing her vaginal yeast infection cream hahahahah fucking gross. I wonder if she thinks it's something that it's not? Like lube or some shit. Anybody got the comments?

The irony is that if they were capable of self control or discretion they wouldn’t need the abortions in the first place

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>arguing as holes

I don't think she has thought this through.

She's treating her chronic yeast infection for the first time due to not having dicks in her constantly. She can't use the monistat while she's fucking so much, so she finally cleans up on her 2 1/2 day cleanse. Notice she bought monistat 3 instead of monistat 7 because she doesn't anticipate stopping fucking for 7 days, even though that's what would surely cure her pussy.

So much yeast in her vagina Mario mistook it for the mushroom kingdom and warped down the wrong pipe.

>we're not gonna be whores anymore
oh noo...