Thanks for fighting for my right to live, Any Forums!

>Thanks for fighting for my right to live, Any Forums!

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No problem monkeyboy

>dies in gang shooting

Hoes mad and spamming this thread

project 5050 is back on track. 50% black by 2050!

go be a nigger somewhere else

Only like a few thousand niggers die from murder every year. Gang shooting dies not significantly affect the black population.

i gotchu ma nigger

you should have seen the triggered christnigger spamming his tranny porn in the last one.

We are ALL brothers in Christ. Nazism and anti semitism have no place in a civilized just society built on the foundation of Judeo Christian principles. Humanity is sacred. Praise the Lord and His voice. In Jesus name, Amen.

invading russian troops will shoot him long before he's old enough to join a gang, silly

unfortunately true.

The fact that there's 20+ threads spamming this same "argument" at any time proves that the kikes are absolutely seething over this

HeyMossad, how is your government doing?

Schumer is still free to commit crimes against America and its politicians.

Thanks for abandoning your own God and everything that would constitute a human soul for this.

This PsyOPs post is brought you by Chuck "Race war now" Schumer, another Mossad\DNC\DoJ\DoD Production.

fuck jesus

Wow we didnt thought about that...
Cancel everything bois OP is a genius
We should've been killing babies all along

Anytime bud

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i thought we were? at least the goy babies.

You foul demon, you will be breathing in the toxic fumes of the eternal lake of hellfire until you bleed out your skull. Racist piece of shit.

Deport all shitskins to africa

fetuses are fucking ugly


Every life is precious. Strange the "racists" are stopping the mass culling of African Americans, while leftists are screaming to murder Black babies.
Might need to rethink who the racists really are.

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As a leftists, these posts make me laugh. You right wing retards are never gonna win a civil war. NEVER!

How about you ban abortion AND restrict immigration and blacks? Oh wait I know!

When you say "no you can't ban abortion, much black baby", its proof all right wingers are weak men. No you're a right wing retard that is so weak that this is an argument you use. Why? Because you are admitting that you are so weak you can NOT prevent the fact that the future of Europe and the USS is black and brown. You know the right will never win, so they can never expel the blacks. The right will never win, they won't restrict immgiration. The LEFT decides the world you live in, and you cowards basically thought the LEFT will give you little crumbs of mercy and hope that as LONG as WE have the power to make abortion a human right, a bunch of niggers can die, so you right wing retard can pretend you are strong by lviing through the Left that you are actually "winning" and you have power. Nope. There is no policy decision you can make that will change it. Abortion or no abortion.

The Left will always win.

every sperm is sacred

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No problem little niglett, we may not agree on everything (like slavery) but we both agree making black Sheboons have to raise a child is pretty funny.

You're welcome, niglet! Just remember, it was white people, especially the white supremacist Clarence Thomas, who guaranteed your life.


>"yo my home dawgs. Ima increase browning of America fo show, my home dawgs nigga. we kings n sheet fo shizzle"

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Dude it's a baby you piece of shit who cares about a babies race

>no sex for him
like the land whale has a choice

Don't mention it, kid