I've been fucking dying laughing today watching Destiny immediately drop the "based and countercultural" shtick as soon...

I've been fucking dying laughing today watching Destiny immediately drop the "based and countercultural" shtick as soon as he realizes he's gonna have to raise his wife's cuck babies

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>he's gonna have to raise his wife's cuck babies
oh so that's why liberals are flipping out

Because it's a possibility and does happen?

I mean why are Democrats suddenly libertarian when it comes to abortion? They'll regulate anything but abortion

kek, they think 15 weeks is the first trimester...people are so out of their elements.

>Playing dumb about the whole giant controversy over exactly this that played out just a couple of years ago
I hate left-wing retards so much

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the absolute state of cuckstiny

I remember seeing a video from iirc NYC or something, around the time the VA governor went on that radio show. Anyway, the video was taken in a large auditorium full of liberals and the speakers were a few women and some abortion doctor. One of the women claimed that that doctor had already done 2-3 of her abortions and "I cant wait for him to do many more for me" she said, something a long those lines. When she said that the crowd erupted with thunderous applause. I honestly felt sick seeing it. It was just pure fucking evil. I understand there are some, rare, circumstances that would call for medical intervention to terminate a pregnancy but these demons were not celebrating that. They were celebrating the act of casually murdering babies. I havent been able to find the video since then.

Thats another thing which is so disgusting is so many countries have now allowed 3rd trimester abortions EVEN FULL TERM
Fucking satanic.

Didn't dems try to pass a bill allowing third trimester abortions???

Yes, idiots typically have the strongest opinions on the things about which they know the least.

And the only state laws against abortion concern those post 1st trimester. So why is the Left pretending that abortion is now banned? By their own reasoning, these laws should be no big deal and are how it’s done in Europe, which is how they argue for everything

What is this weird obsession people have with pretending abortions are intended to help victims of rape and incest? Aren’t like 99.7% of abortions elective with no reason given?

Dunning-Kruger is 90% of the problem with the world, just like Bertrand Russel said.

Why are they obsessed with a ban, when there is no ban?

Democrats forced this loss on themselves by consistently opposing any restrictions, even minor ones such as "no 9th month abortions" or parental consent laws...but they insisted on abortion on demand with no restrictions ever. They gambled and lost big.

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In the end he will always be Diet Vaush

I dunno why Sam and Nick are trying to give this literal cuck swinger a chance

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Remember anons
>well they just want marriage that's all


Weren't they trying to just that only about a year ago?

New Jersey, Vermont, Colorado, New Mexico, Oregon, and Alaska currently have no limits on abortion whatsoever.

link to video