Do aborted babies go to heaven?

Do aborted babies go to heaven?

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no such thing as heaven?

They go to hell

No because heaven doesn't exist.

>Do aborted babies go to heaven?
yes. murder is still wrong.

they get returned to sender

no. they come back as demons and hunting down their whore mothers

>Do aborted babies go to heaven?

They go to Sheol like everyone who has ever died

their souls return to the void to await a chance for a better mom

They are ground up and made into the vax and onions green..

Yes, but the mother goes to hell

Naah, in fact, they avoided hell. One could call them lucky.

No they just respawn at base

This is true
They never became independent from there mothers so they spend eternity trying to understand why there mom killed them

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Heaven is a myth
Abortion is murder
OP is a faggot

they go to purgatory

They go to heaven user.

Please provide Biblical evidence of this purgatory?

Yes, and the mother is huanted to eventually commit suicide and be tortured in hell for the infanticide.

They burn in hellfire along with their mother. All dead babies are tortured in the afterlife for eternity

They never left

Heaven is the realm in which God reigns and is worshiped by his angels.
Abraham's Bosom is where God's children go to rest before the Day of Judgment.
New Jerusalem is the paradise that those that pass God's Judgment will reside in.

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yes and no.
they couldn't commit any sin - so yes.
BUT, as a catholic you need christening to be washed off sin (or something) that came with being born - so no.

well, the second thing is more of a ceremony... and if god takes all this, that literal, we just can pack our stuff and go right into hell.
so i say, yes - with a fair judging god they will go to heaven....

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Yes, because they have souls.

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Nobody really goes to heaven they go to Sheol when they die which is where you came from - nowhere, it is nothingness, but there is no time outside the cosmic machine generating it so there is no delay between death & judgement day. On judgement day everything will go back to the way it us supposed to be, how it was in Eden and it will be decided if you get immortality or if you follow globo into the pit.
A few people went to heaven in the Bible. A couple of them. There is a reference to the souls of the martyrs being in God’s footstool too. I think the heaven/hell thing was made up to avoid having to explain tricky things to people who couldn’t read but had pitchforks. Doesn’t do to over confuse people. It is effectively correct, basically. You will go to a heaven or a hell but that heaven is not among the stars it is here on Earth. That is what i read in the bible anyway.

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