Civil War 2: The Stage is Being Set

Hello, anons. I would like to thank you for reposting my prediction so often.
I have some thoughts to share with you all.

The stage is being set for the second civil war.
As we progress into the future, there are tension points in our society that dictate where we are heading as a civilization.
We had three tension points that were decided recently that will change the course of history forever.
These three tension points are
>Roe v Wade being overturned
>The red flag/Federal budget increase bill being signed into law
>SCOTUS's ruling on concealed carry

What do these tension points mean, and what does it mean for our future
We see a SCOTUS that follows constitutional law and gives power back to the people and the states.
The feds' signing of the gun bill is divergent from SCOTUS as it gives much more power to the federal government.
We are effectively widening the gap between the political parties and the population.
We are beginning to see the rise of right-wing and left-wing guerrilla movements in the united states.
The leftwing is backed by the feds and blue states and the rightwing has control of rural America, red states, and SCOTUS

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Roe v Wade has and will create the largest reshuffling of the American population in our country's history.
We are witnessing a mass exodus of leftwingers from red states and rightwingers from blue states.
In the past, our civil war was that of ideologies and it was a battle inward and outwardly to see what values each side actually held.
We are now seeing these ideologies become solidified between the two camps.
So what happens now that we have solidified ideology?
The next practical step toward civil war in this country is the drawing of geographic lines.
The war of the mind is coming to a close and the war of land is beginning.

We will see red and blue strongholds become absolutely entrenched in their ideologies
Their political rivals will have fled to safe havens in their respective camps.
The geographic battle will begin
In the past, we had tension points of ideological differences but now we have tension points of borders and land.
The highway systems, the farmland, the water and everything that defines geography is about to become that much more important.
We will see states deny opposing states access to supplies, information and technology soon
we will see skirmishes along with small border towns and highway chokepoints
Bleeding Kansas was pocked with small disputes and battles from guerilla groups just before the first civil war and this will be no different.

Ideology has been defined
Geography is in the process of being defined
Those who are stupid enough to stay in a state that doesn't hold their values will be slaughtered eventually.
This is the last step before the war goes hot
War could start tomorrow, in a few months, or years but heed my warning and know that geography will define the coming warzone

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My previous post thats been shared a lot lately
Please prepare anons this is unavoidable
this isn't a joke
You will live through one of humanities darkest and bloodiest moments
I love you all and hope you survive

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Civil war 2 = ww3

You missed one
Things are going to escalate when SCOTUS overturns gay marriage
But otherwise LETS GOOOOO

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I will not make predictions off things that are so close to decision.
I have predictions for both things but until that tension point has been absolutely decided it will just be conjecture.

We have new tension points coming and it will get ugly
Ill post a final screencap in the days, months or years once the geographic portion of this war has been settled

by then the war will have already started or be on the precipice of starting
Please prepare anons

so what do i do

Get out of the blue states
Buy long term freeze dried food
Buy ammo and guns
Learn to garden/farm
Now is the time to learn home repair and how to do basic tasks like drywalling and other things

You need to become 100% self reliant user

Bumping a good thread.

What about the vast rural red areas in blue states and blue cities in red states? There would be an urban vs rural element too


That is where the geographic border disputes happen user.
the geographic formation of the coming civil war isn't only relegated to a states shape.


trips of is a nigger shithole currently

Nobody's going to move. Nobody's going to do shit. As long as people have their Jewflix and sportsball, people will remain complacent NPC good goys.

People are already moving user.
People are literally at this moment putting homes up for sale at unprecedented levels
Stop being a doomer

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Some guy will open a neutral bar like Rick's in Casablanca where good old boys and woke trannies can enjoy a drink together.

I fucking hope you're right, user. The Jew World Order started in America, and you're the only ones who can stop it, since it operates out of your backyard and since you armed. This is your war. Godspeed.

I hate you for all the shit you've done to the world - what you have allowed to happen. But will love you equally much for putting a stop to it.


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Civil unrest will happen but it won't happen over this nothingburger. It will happen over something that actually effects people's standard of living. Nobody outside of a very vocal minority gives a fuck about abortion.
Let me know when increasing food shortages and supply chain problems happen.

We didnt do it to the world user
The jews and unthinking NPC masses did
The NPC's are just following programming

user it is a tension point
The SCOTUS position is driving divide
if roe v wade was upheld it would just mean that the feds are in total control
SCOTUS is warning us that the feds do not control everything and that we have a chance

Its a light in the darkness
The standard of living will decrease and the food situation will be a driving force in geographic warfare
Red states will withhold food from blue states

>Also I love cocks in and arround ny ass

Dumbfuck boomer, the entire government is subverted. The supreme court positions were bought out decades ago. Any justice that claims to be "conservative" is larping and playing a role. It's literally all make believe.
When you want to take over a country, the media and the courts are the first thing you go for.

I know. You fostered the demon, but you weren't aware of it. Now you are, so it's your duty to stop it. What's happening in Europe is just a reflection of what's happening in America. Once you win this war, and you will, things will improve in Europe and all over the world.

Imagine being this demoralized
user you cannot ever give up hope
You can never give up on the American spirit
even if the country ultimately dies our ancestors demand we hold their original values
You need to stop being stuck in the doomer phase
we are past that
also I'm 30

POINT is the stage is being set.
The DOJ and PENTAGON are now saying SCOTUS is illegitimate

The Pentagon and the DOJ are not recognizing the SCOTUS decisions on abortion and guns.

This creates another geographic area
If the federal government is directly hostile to a state
Why should a state allow the federal government to hold any land within its borders?
We may see states seizing federal land once this heats up

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We’re going to invade Maine when you are distracted