The Two Greatest Presidents: Abraham Lincoln and Donald Trump Part 2

In just four years, Lincoln was able to end America's original sin, slavery. While in juts four years Trump was able to end America's modern sin, legalized national abortion.

Responding to people I missed
Objectively wrong. Lincoln was no more a tyrant than Jefferson Davis (they must suspended habeas corpus) and Trump was no more a zionist than any president since Teddy Roosevelt.
>The states never had a legal right to secession. Madison said so.
You are so fucking wrong. Everything you have posted is in question, now. The other Founding Fathers and Framers said that the States did have that right.
You are just lying. Here is Madison's quote
>It is not usual to answer communications without the proper names to them. But the ability & motives disclosed in the Essays induce me to say in compliance with the wish expressed, that I do not consider the proceedings of Virginia in 98-99 as countenancing the doctrine that a State may at will secede from its constitutional compact with the other States. A rightful secession requires the consent of the others, or an abuse of the compact, absolving the seceding party from the obligations imposed by it
The only Founder who hinted that he was indifferent to secession is Jefferson.

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greatest if you're retarded, go fuck yourself

Jefferson Davis

Why is Andrew Jackson not on that list?

Seethe. Who would you consider the best two?
He wasn't an American president and he was objectively terrible at leading the Confederacy.
He's top 8.

Lincoln was a kike and Lil Donny loved em
I see why you think they're the best

>greatest presidents
Okay, Shekelberg. His popularity in rating in Isreal was always far higher than in the US, even at the height of his popularity here.

How was he Jewish? He was English.
The South attacked Fort Sumter, starting the war.
The South seceded before Lincoln even assumed office, let alone implement any policies.
You will never be a woman.
Radicals despised him. His cabinet and moderate republicans greatly admired him.
>Lincoln committed genocide against Americans
The South started the war and no, Lincoln didn't support the genocide of anybody. He wanted the war over as soon as possible and attempted to negotiated before it started numerous times.

He was an American president though

Every president since Theodore Roosevelt has been a Zionist. And what do you think Lincoln's approval was early on, when the North wasn't doing well? Especially factoring in the former Southern states.

He was the president of the Confederate States, not the United States. He was inaugurated as the 17th President, Johnson was.


>"Recapturing" territory that had never been "captured" by federal jurisdiction in the first place was the whole point of the war.
You may not like the word captured, but all of those states did belong to the federal government and when they were brought back in, they were "recaptured". And Lincoln didn't fight the war simply because they seceded, which took place under Buchanan, he fought the war because they attacked our federal property. His goal was to then bring them back into the Union.
>"Abolition", i.e. the stoking of class war, came to be used as a pretext for this act of conquest, an irresponsible act that laid the groundwork for the present sorry state of cities like Detroit and Chicago.
"Abolition" was never the North's reason for fighting the war. It was a later goal, as Slavery was what stoked the war in the first place.
Wrong. Trump was a return to the protectionist, anti-free trade, socially conservative, pro-infrastructure and anti-interventionist Whig/Republican roots. You clearly know nothing about Lincoln or the Federalist/Whig/Republican history.
>what do you think war is about,
Putting down insurrectionists and reunifying the country. At least on the North's side.
>he wasn't in favor of killing the southerners in general, he wanted specific of them killed because of orders, what happens when you allow your soldiers to go nuts and kill people and steal their shit and sell it and keep the money? organized commanders figure it out and turn it into industry, but it was always about politics and taking out target populations, not the entire south in general, only the southerners they didn't want because of their politics
He wasn't in favor of anybody killing anybody or anybody stealing anything. You can't blame Lincoln for Radical carpetbagging, which he blocked in his lifetime.

This. AJ was the most based. War hero elected by popular landslide. Killed the (((federal))) bank. Eliminated federal debt entirely. May or may not have cheated (by taking a second shot) to win a duel.
>vs unilaterally ending slavery to win a war
>vs taking moderate stances on immigration and economics
It's incomparable really. AJ is #1.

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Lincoln had a civil war on his watch.
He is inarguably the single worst president the USA has ever had.

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>War hero elected by popular landslide
So was William Henry Harrison, Dwight Eisenhower, Franklin Pierce, Grant, etc.
>Killed the (((federal))) bank
It was the Second National Bank and specifically because who ran it. Jackson was in favor of replacing it with the Independent Treasury which literally transformed into the Federal Reserev.
>>vs unilaterally ending slavery to win a war
It was secondary. The war would have been won regardless.
>>vs taking moderate stances on immigration
Lincoln was a rare Whig to support immigration of European immigrants, which was the same position as Jackson.
>and economics
They weren't moderate, they were bog standard American System economics which were opposed by half the country.
The south seceded under Buchanan. Lincoln is the one who amicably brought them back into the Union and ended the conflict.

The one statue that should be torn down is Lincolns.

And they did so because of Lincoln's election.
The campaign is part of the presidency.
Lincoln was dog shit.

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Lincoln is responsible for over the death of over 1 million white American men

Here is a good litmus test for op. Where would you rank John Adams among presidents?

I'm genuinely curious how you could think that the states "belonged" to the federal government that they themselves created. The federal government is the slave of the states, not the other way around.

Not really. His term began in 1861. They simply seceded because they lost the election. If California was successful in seceding in 2016 with Calexit, it wouldn't have reflected poorly on Trump, especially if he brought them back into the Union.
Top 12-15.

The States may have their own rights, but they do fall under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government and as a result, make up the United States of America. They can't just unconstitutionally decide to secede on a whim.

The idea that the federal government has direct jurisdiction over the states is plainly absurd. The states ceded a limited number of powers that the federal government exercises on their behalf, while retaining their sovereignty. Given that there is no direct mention of secession, the states retain their right to withdraw the rights that they ceded as per above. Such were the explicit terms upon which the state legislatures acceded to the second constitution of the United States.