Has the left lost the plot

Sometimes I feel as though they genuinely don’t even know what they’re arguing for or against anymore.

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>Sometimes I feel as though they genuinely don’t even know what they’re arguing for or against anymore.
That's by design
These arguments are meant to appeal to the lowest common denominator, and as such they use essentially the same emotional argument for every single issue
Your pic related could have just as easily been about school shootings and there would be no way to tell the difference without the hashtags

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>children will die

>the left
Just say 'the kikes and their useful idiots' already.

>Your pic related could have just as easily been about school shootings and there would be no way to tell the difference without the hashtags
Holy shit good point

>children will die
I thought they were raging over the fact that they got told they can't kill the children.
Did something happen last night in my sleep?

What do they mean by this? Isn't that what they want?

Don't worry, there's gonna be another Great Awakening in the US to counteract this. Generations of young kids will grow up going to church again and reading the bible

Its narcissism and psychopathy (low empathy)
They dont care what they are arguing for, they dont care if it makes sense

They just want control and to virtue signal

Have any of them pointed out that Obama was 2 senators away from defeating the filibuster in 2009? They voted blue and never got this law.

that a joke?
or super cope?

Don't want kids? Either use contraceptives, get neutered, or don't have sex. Abortions really should be only reserved for cases like
>pregnancy is result of rape
>the kid would be born retarded/with physical disabilities
>pregnancy would pose mortal threat to mother's life (actual medically proven danger, not OMG I'm gonna gonna die if I can't get abortion bullshit)

both side totally lost the plot

And what is the right fighting for? The dissident right's "policy" is literally just opposing whatever the mainstream liberals are doing in an ironybro trollsy populist way. When was the last time you heard about the dissident right proposing a new idea?

nah, christcuck jew worshippers and system enjoyer leftist bots will all be sent to the same death camps. we are going to have a final solution to the cowardly faggot npc problem.

The west as has mental illness and need to be put down.

>new idea
Hitler did nothing wrong.

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The right which normally plays defensively just stole a major offensive victory. The right is pushing back and undoing the things the left has done that aren’t beneficial to the country. Why? Because the country is worth fighting for. They’re fighting for the country.

The left has more internal contradictions than they want to admit.

The left is against guns and robust self-defense laws.
>You can't kill a person for just holding you at gun point! The mere threat of dying and being under duress does not make killing acceptable!
But obviously this contradicts the types of bodily integrity and autonomy arguments needed to justify abortion
>You can't make me carry a person to term! The possibility of dying and duress makes this unacceptable!

They court black and Latino voters who are often pro-life.
They want employers to have expansive powers to control the speech and associations of their employees.

It's just a mess.

And banning abortion is stopping the spread of mental illness how exactly?

There is no point in arguing with the brainwashed. They live in their own reality and our differences are irreconcilable. There is only one practical solution to this problem.

>Hitler did nothing wrong.
Agreed, but the majority of the dissident right would disagree with that statement.

>Children will die
What... the fuck am I even reading.

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Preventing your enemies from killing themselves is a "major offensive victory", in what way?

It’s because they do not think independently

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I don’t even know what I the dissident right is, this is a NatSoc board.

i feel like this was handed to the right
its probably just the next planned narrative

the next thing for everyone to fight over and fixate on
the next distraction for the goyim

Fucking sides are gone

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You expect rationality from people who tell you a man is a woman just because they say so and cannot be argued against while also saying men exploit women's status at every turn?

>killing themselves
Are you a carbon copy of your parents? You lived the exact same life and share 100% of their opinions and views? What a terrible argument.

The Left is hopelessly stupid.
They've been functionally de-educated.

they are narcissists and psychopaths
its all contradictions

You're right.

Just look at what Thomas signaled in his concurrence. Further bullshit about gay marriage and sodomy laws.

But the last 20 years of populism has focused on one issue. And SCOTUS hasn't addressed any cases that threatened to change it.
>United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898), was a landmark decision[4] of the U.S. Supreme Court which held that "a child born in the United States, of parents of Chinese descent, who, at the time of his birth, are subjects of the Emperor of China, but have a permanent domicil and residence in the United States, and are there carrying on business, and are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity under the Emperor of China",[5] automatically became a U.S. citizen at birth.[6]

They're the retards that support Trump, Q, AmericaFirst, and Christian Nationalism among other embarrassing things.

Yes they now act like they are possessed by demons, and dont seem to be able to think for themselves anymore either.

What do you support, user?

>women will die
>children will die

I don't see the problem here.

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These people are never happy, even when they get their way. Biden just signed into law gun restrictions, and not a God damned peep from these fuckers. All they want to do is scream for a complete and total ban.

You can get an abortion in this country. You can get an abortion in states accused of “banning” abortion. Nobody is going to fucking die because they couldn’t murder their baby on a whim.

NOTHING is EVER enough for these deeply unhappy people. If you ain’t learned that yet, now is the time.

Perfect example why women should never be allowed to vote or hold power.
Men are worried about important things like the economy, war, production etc.
Women are worried about murdering babies.

you are stupid

You mistake narcissism/psychopaths for stupidity
and they are not "hopeless", they are winning

I wish everybody would die

Much love from Canada

>children will die

When you're hysterical you don't make any sense and you act like an embarassing fool.

They just hate rednecks. That's their entire political ideology. Seriously. Their primary goal is to do whatever will make them not look like they're a working class white.

How is my life specifically relevant at all, look at the statistics of who gets the most abortions and look at the statistics of what children go on to become criminals or social deviants, it's the same households.