Americans be like "NOOO YOU CAN'T IT'S A HECKIN BABY"

Americans be like "NOOO YOU CAN'T IT'S A HECKIN BABY"

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In fact of course.

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Looks like the head of a bald eagle with teeth

Jajaja thats not a baby… fucking christcucks

The US ran out of worker bees to import. Time to have babies ladies, the empire needs you.

>americans kneel for nigger fetus

cannot make this shit up

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Wait until republicans realize that it puts a halt to in vitro fertilization

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Every time you spill sperm, you kill billions of children. When do we genocide men?

life begins at conception trust science

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Sperm cells aren't a separate human being, they only contain half a set of genes.

>Hatched, day old chicks
>Calling them six day old chick embryos to score points with single digit IQ retards like you

Use your brain nigger. Also, are you willing to stop killing animals if you want to ban abortion? Otherwise what's your point? I am okay with killing animals and with killing humans. Why are you okay with one but not the other?

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It's human life you fucking devil

It's even funnier since
Won't reproduce

>comparing aborting children to killing adult livestock for food
Kill yourself.

Animals aren't people you retarded motherfucker

>I have a right to kill it whenever I want a burger!

Cope moid, sperm cells are living organisms carrying human DNA, as valid as zygotes. Masturbation is a sin for a reason. Why do you defy God?

You’re literally gay. Even if you are correct, you’re just a pot calling the kettle black.

read it again, retard

>half set of genes
nice try

You have aids



I don't give a damn about the baby one way or the other. Abortion just leads to unchecked hedonism.

Why are you so invested in being a faggot?

There is a difference between an egg that was fertilized literally seconds ago and a small little fetus that has arms, legs and a head.

If you zoom in on yourself, that's all you are too. A cluster of cells and proteins. The fact that all those clusters of cells "look like a person" is irrelevant - that's all you are. A fully formed cluster of cells. You are no different from the O.P pic on a fundamental level. So technically speaking why can't we abort your worthless cluster of cells?

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>Misinterprets the sacred rite of eating an animal you've raised for declaring it not as a life

Like you care about sanctity of human life you degens. You'll laugh at a video of a chink being ripped up by a conveyor belt with looney tunes music played under it, or videos of russians and ukies blown up and pissed on, then turn around cry about unconscious blobs of flesh dying.

At least admit you just resent women who have careless sex.

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I mean, I don't laugh. But I'll watch out of morbid curiosity. But I stay out of those situations. I don't go around impregnating sluts and begging for abortions. So I'm technically still far removed from your degenerate way of thinking and living

Asians and eastern europeans aren't people either