Complains about the great replacement

>complains about the great replacement
>commemorates that browns and niggers, the majority of abortions, are gonna have a lot more kids now

Wtf is wrong with American christcucks?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>>complains about the great replacement
>>commemorates that browns and niggers, the majority of abortions, are gonna have a lot more kids now
>Wtf is wrong with American christcucks?

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you mad, jew?

the life of 1 white child is worth banning abortion over.

>New York City
It's still legal there you stupid faggot lol

At least you owned the Libtards and Dems, am I right?
Muttmerica is going to become even more brown now.

But you know that your little shill pic is a lie, kike.

Abortion is the key to everything. This is why kikes like OP are freaking out about the SCOTUS ruling. Ending abortion saves the nation.

1) in the seventies when abortion was legalized that’s when you saw a huge uptick in immigration. It makes perfect sense, the state needs tax payers and if those future tax payers are being killed then they are forced to import them.

2) since the beginning of time women were forced to be chaste or be a mother, the only two things a woman is supposed to do, by making abortion legal women are now living in a world without consequences, this has ruined relations between men and women.

3) the state has created an inverse pyramid with social security and Medicare payments, without more new taxpayers each year the system will collapse. No politician is going to purposefully collapse the system so no matter what anyone says the state will import immigrants for every baby killed by abortion.

4) more whites are killed each year by abortionists than anything

5) 750,000 white babies were killed last year due to abortion

6) most abortions are not poor white “wigger” whites, 27% of them were from catholic girls and 57% of them reported no economic hardship

7) even if they were low value whites, the poorest whites are less violent than the richest Somalian immigrants

8) since roe vs wade we have killed 60m babies and imported 50m immigrants, before we started killing babies we didn’t import immigrants

>but abortion hurts blacks more than whites
A jew shill lie. Black US population % has actually increased since Roe v Wade while white % decreased dramatically

Abortion is the key to everything, ending abortion sets America free.

For the last 40 years, abortion has been used to lower white IQs by targeting white women with the highest IQs, as well as delaying age of "first live birth" among white women SPECIFICALLY.

This kept rates of white newborns low, but it kept high IQ women from passing on their genes or being mothers (high IQ stay at home moms raise smarter kids). The majority of abortion clinics are not in black areas, they're in small towns and suburbs that are majority white.

Abortion as a tool of the jew for white genocide is PROVEN.

The recent flood of shill arguments "but abortion keeps blacks from reproducing" is dead... a nice psyop attempt... but now fuck off.

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LOL your seething is so palatable, rabbbi.

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Everyone around here is too dumb to see whats really happening, niggers and other subhumans are forced to give birth, but they are too poor and dumb to care for them, the state steps in and says ok heres the deal we will pay you two thousand dollars and you will sign over your child to the state and you will never see or hear from them again, take child and raise it in new military style facilities where they are trained and and fed and educated to become war fighters, this solves the looming recruitment catastrophe, the government has a steady stream of recruits and can hold them under contract until they are thirty years of age, nigger gangs are deprived of their source of young dumb violent niggers and the state molds them into competent and deadly weapons of war instead. This is the plan, i guarantee it.

This and checked

Most of Any Forums isn't as racist as you think and wants dead babies just because they are black.

>that post
Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff lmao

Abortion is wrong. Ethnic cleansing is right. Abortion kills many niggers before they can be born but it does the same to Americans. It's an issue with nuance.

The Roe v Wade decision is just another trick to pull in all the disillusioned "right-wingers" back to believing in The System.

Believing in political solutions.
Believing in muh Democracy.

For years on end we've been hearing that "anti-government extremists" are the greatest threat to The System, so what does this enemy do to maintain it's control? It tosses you some crumbs to make you trust government again. To make you think there are peaceful solutions.

And what are these crumbs upon closer inspection? A token victory. A feel-good illusion yet again appealing to your grossly misplaced sense of morality.

The fact is they just appeased you by increasing your enemies birthrates.

More liberals.
More non-Whites.

It's the birthrates.
It's the birthrates.
It's the birthrates.

And you celebrate this as a victory.
And you will definitely vote harder in 2022 and 2024.

Niggers will be given norplant and be sterilized.

Fuck off libtard

Nigger, abortion has been banned in this favela shithole I live in and that was the main reason why blacks and browns are now 80% of the country.

White women are still not gonna have enough children: the problem isn’t abortion - it’s the capitalist mindset that turns kikes into demigods and women into wageslaves consumers

this is about controlling women u fag

>blah blah reeeeeeeee

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Our freemason overlords say we need to achieve this pie graph
1/2 white
1/4 latino
1/8 black
1/16 asian

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