"Tom Ford wrote Nocturnal Animals after his ex-girlfriend Michelle Williams aborted their unborn child of four months...

>"Tom Ford wrote Nocturnal Animals after his ex-girlfriend Michelle Williams aborted their unborn child of four months to pursue her own career. "I was hurt and betrayed," said Ford. "That movie was the catharsis I needed." Ford was blacklisted from Hollywood after the release of the film and never directed again.

What are some kino based on real life? Also Roe v Wade related film recommendations since Any Forums janny doesn't want politics

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post pro life movies

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I thought Tom Ford was into guys ?

Only after Williams killed their kid and left him. The "murder of his family" in the books is a metaphor for the death of his love for women.

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>le based jew moobies
Imagine living in a society that has had decades of total jewish post-WW2 dominance in business, mass media, academia, film, government etc. with no opposition, where 'they' have embedded themselves so deep within your psyche that you don't even know they are there, structuring your thoughts for you. And imagine that your icons, your culture, your favorite television shows, movies, music, everything you were brought up on and know and love, is a jewish creation (a trick) and/or was pushed by 'them', likely so as to weaken you in some way.

Now imagine they have invented an unknown amount of terms, have drastically changed the English language and made up new words, changed their meanings, all to usher in radical change that they fund and then propagate through their global inter-connected network of news, tv, movies, and so on. Imagine they have quite literally bombarded you, your parents, and your grandparents minds from birth, and you're so accustomed to it that you don't even recognize it's happening.

Still with me? Imagine they own you, your family, and everyone you know and love. Their total assets are in the 'mere' trillions, but in reality they have a literally unlimited supply of fiat currency to prop up anything they see fit. Imagine every aspect of modernity being entirely dominated by jewish influence.

And then imagine dedicating your whole life and existence to debating over which piece of this propaganda was 'better', which had hotter chicks, better scenes, dialogue, and which made 'them' the most money to further destroy you.

Imagine wasting your life metaphorically playing around in an endlessly deep pit of excrement, splashing it all over you and your friends and dunking each others' heads underneath.

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Tom Ford was married to a man though.

Interesting. Where did you get this from? You pull it out of your ass?

Lol. Tom Ford is one of the outest and proudest Gay Men in Hollywood and the fashion Industry.

No. He’s been gay since he was 17, decades before he did anything in film..

“ He rearranged furniture in the house at 6, and gave his mother feedback on her hair and shoes. His family moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico, when he was 11.In Santa Fe, he entered St. Michael's High School Preparatory School, from which he graduated in 1979.

At age 16, he enrolled at Bard College at Simon's Rock, but quickly dropped out. He moved to New York City to study art history at New York University (NYU). There he met Ian Falconer, who took him to Studio 54 for the first time. Ford dropped out after a year, focusing on acting in television commercials. Ford began studying interior architecture at The New School's art and design college, Parsons The New School for Design in New York City. He kept visiting Studio 54, where he realized he was gay”

OP is a hoax piece of shit no different than Jussie Smollett.

That was Heath Ledger's unborn child.

Tom Ford is fruitier than a bowl of cereal. If that man has ever been in a vagina I would be shocked. Still, maybe I'll check out the film someday, I heard it was good.

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gays in denial make relationships with women and even have kids out of that. There are books about it. I've read one recently. It was a collection of interviews with wives of gay men. Sex? Mechanical, al dente thrusting once per two,three months lmaoooo. Sometimes even rarer.

His net worth is 500 million, he can make a movie if he wants even if he's "blacklisted" which he isn't. He made Noctural Animals like 10 years after his first film, he probably just has different shit to do other than directing movies.

OP is a faggot.

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Tom Ford, in denial of his sexuality.

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Tom Ford, totally on the fence about his sexual attractions.

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i don't know who he is.That's what i assumed. I was talking in general.


I literally just watched this movie last night... didn't get the ending. He just didn't show up for dinner with her, or did he die for real? Definitely enjoyed the movie. Lots of nuances that are not explicit; the viewer needs to make the effort in piecing the story together.

The American History X director seems to be blackballed even though it's kind of cucked but the end scene was probably a little too much reality.

Straightest Any Forums reading list

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this is such a gay copypasta

And now he’s a gay fashion designer? Sounds like a meme story honestly.


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