This is what republicans want

This is what republicans want.

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I just want you to die so you stop shitting up my boards with your tepid takes.

But she’s dead though

Sounds based to me.

I wish Republicans were that based

I would love every single thing listed there except the return of slavery. I don't want them as slaves, I want them gone.

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If Republicans were that cool, they'd be Nazis instead

As someone who is very right wing, I could definitely say that no one wants to bring slavery back. We just want blacks to stop acting like chimps.


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>slippery slope isn't a fallacy when we do it

>that hand rubbing
oy, the antisemitism

Aside from a Return to Slavery, yes!

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requesting the Any Forums edit of this

Sounds based

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Looks good to me

user, that is definition of slavery for them


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What's up with the antisemitic caricature of Ben Shapiro? Might as well have him rubbing his hands.


God I wish

Why do these things that leftoids love have sinister faces?

Yes, and it's glorious.

Unironically yes.

Now go end your miserable life faggot
Make it hurt

The slippery slope isn't real nigger :)

I hate women

Liberals used SCOTUS for decades to do what they wanted, you get what you fucking deserve

I wish we could legalize late term abortions only for people who bump 1 post by this id memeflag threads.

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>Return of slavery
It never left

Republicans? Who told you we're Republicans faggot

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>This is what republicans want.
As a very right wing person, you had me up to slavery. Why the fuck would we want that? Niggers don't work even when you pay them and i don't want one near my house. You can keep them in your urban plantations. I just want them to act like humans and not monkeys with Molotovs. Condoms are fine, but the rest is pretty spot on.

Honestly I’d be happy if they just repealed gay marriage and made sodomy laws legal again.

>The slippery slope fallacy

It’s funny because this is what I hope for in OPs pic- in reality this is only because RvW had never asked the question when life begins (contraception or birth) therefore how does that intersect with the 14th amendment, and naturally in the U.S. this gives the states more power since nowadays, states rarely have power to do anything against D.C. - just like when it didn’t happen, but (((they))) deserved it type of situation


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How the fuck do libs constantly accuse the right of slippery slope fallacy and then go on to imply overturning Roe will lead to the return of slavery?

>I can use the slippery slope argument but you can’t!
God I hate liberals they are so retarded.

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Slippery slope argument is a fallacy libtards

You're assuming it has to be niggers. Some little Asian chick that keeps your home and yard nice and sucks your dick on command in exchange for a bit of food from your garden and corner to sleep in would be nice.

They will never understand that the only reason Roe V Wade mattered was because the Democrats, while singing its praises, never in 50 years meaningfully attempted to enshrine to concept it put forward into actual law. It was always a questionable decision, and it died to a challenge. A functional argument for bodily autonomy as a right could be made, but it'd mean the government would have to surrender its power to legislate around that or to use it as a political chess piece.
But no, continue to screech and demand that Roe be reinstated while the politicians continue to rob you. Wear that veil of wool proudly.

Not seeing the problem

not usually no I sometimes create threads and never post again, dumb newfag.

that's all Day 1 stuff
on Day 2 we outlaw nonwhites, declare women to be chattel, eliminate all income taxation, return to metalism and outlaw fiat, end the Fed, disband 95% of the federal government and claw-back all the money, repeal all the post-BoR amendments, restrict voting only to debt-free drug-free non-fat married adult white males of good community standing, make guns mandatory, make training ammo free (at least 1000 rounds per year, provided by taxpayer-funded state armories, also taxpayer funded gun ranges in every county), seal the borders, disband military, organize the militia, outlaw television and film, outlaw revealing clothes and lascivious behavior, reinstate public decency and orderly conduct laws, execute all felons, upgrade all felonies to capital offenses, outlaw vaccination, begin investigating and punishing all who colluded with the COVID19 hoax (death penalty), open up all abortion clinic records (death penalty),

Why do Dems care so much if abortion and gay marriage are state level issues anyway? Oh no, Mississippi might have a different law than California.

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Yeah then your great grandchildren will be asked to give gibs to Asians due to slavery 150 years from now. No thanks.

what happenned to your little night of rage?
sit down and shut up bitch

>anti-sodomy laws
Is it still sodomy when you do a girl up the butt?

suddenly the slippery slope is real

Tfw you will see ISIS tier videos of Americans throwing gays off the rooftops.

Hormonal birth control should be banned. Not because of forcing women to have babies, but because they’re poison to women’s bodies and the environment. Plan B is even more potent, but that’s just a one-time thing that most women use maybe once or twice in their entire lives.

I would like that

All of these seem based except perhaps slavery.

No but you’re still a faggot

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To be fair theres a very high chance that women will be reduced to chattel slavery in much of the world by the end of the century.
Purely because it'll be the only way to get birth rates up and prevent the total collapse of modern human society.

Federal ban on abortion, repeal of the XIX Amendment, etc requires a constitutional amendment and it will never get the necessary 2/3rds of the states.

Total retard. Niggers will never be human and should be treated like animals, mostly pack mules. Niggers will only work when you force them to, of course ideally instead of slavery they'd all just be sent back to Africaand enslaved there.

Always was.

>op under notion that this is a theocracy
a bunch of those dominos would violate the constitution, but I am all in on revoking a woman's right to vote, unless you can prove that you are logical and not emotional.

>Decision handed down by a Black man married to a White woman
>Movement supported by a religion which condemns racism and fought to end slavery and segregation, and which was practiced by MLK
>Right realizing that they can win bigly by simply abandoning racism and supporting based Latinas e.g. Texas special election
>Left chose to elect a segregationist over the country's most popular politician. Twice.
>2020 election was Republican's most diverse voting block in decades because of this blunder and the tide is still turning
>"This is about defending interracial marriage!!!"
You need to go back, baby killing groomoid, you're not fooling anyone. This board traded racism for the Christ pill 2 years ago and you'd know that if you weren't a newflag infiltrator


>prevent the total collapse of modern human society.

Modern society is sick, it can die in a fire for all I care.

This. Trying to make niggers work is the stupidest idea ever.

I like how "racism" and slavery are the absolute worst things to you people lol

Imagine being this stupid.
They are setting a stage for the lot of you to relocate to whats initially perceived to be friendly shores.
Once this takes place and America becomes an ultra divided uber mess, it will begin with an attack on the electoral college, and then after it almost comes to an overflowing boil. They will offer you a way out of it all.


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none of these things would effect me lmao so why should I care?
I'm starting to wonder if they secretly are...

using farming tools that run on rice instead of gas is pretty based in terms of saving the environment


And it's a good thing.

Actually, conservatives don't really want it, precisely because of that.


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>Nasheed Al-McDonalddiya playing

they need it to be seen as a terrible thing because of all the terrible things they are.

Damn straight rabbi.

So the left recognizes the slippery slope but will deny we're trending toward pedo acceptance...

Drama queen pissbabies.
All they need to do is not legislate from the bench and actually put forward legislation and/or a constitutional amendment. If it can't even pass those hurdles it shouldn't be enshrined into law, simple as.

This is just the slippery slope argument but backwards
>if they do this they'll start undoing all our degenerate garbage and bring us back to the time when everyone was happier and had more money
oh no!

That's what you'd call the poison pill.

Everything else is healthy and nutritious, but they slip in that one thing to turn you off. We're immune but normies aren't.

Wait, how does our movement handle this though? We hate slavery because it was a kike institution that brought niggers to a White country. So if they bring back slavery, wouldn't that be bad for our movement? What will Any Forums do?

We want to deport all niggers. They all act like chimps because it's innate.

Not worth the drama my descendents will have to deal with. Niggers were free in 1864 and it's 2022 and they're still bitching after everything has been given to them. I'll just get a White woman to suck my dick and clean the kitchen instead.