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More of a person than you.


it's an elephant btw, the latest "gotcha" from the satanic libtards


what race?

No it's a dolphin

Thats an elephant. But yes I'd take an elephant over liberals.

how can they not see how they only own themselves with these rethoric tripwires every time ?

let me guess its an elephant or something? fucking disingenuous fuckers

>Find single cell space fungus on mars
Holy shit we found life on Mars!
>Also you

Attached: aborted.webm (600x410, 3M)

Not my place to say it is or isn’t, every woman I ever met got mad if I even opened my mouth when they were talking about abortion, I literally refuse to participate, but I want you all to know I hope whatever happens you’re still mad.

Good point

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I don't care, just stop trying to abuse the constitution with activism.

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Spend billions for bacteria on mars. Call a living breathing human non life.
>This is your brain on satanism

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D'aww he's a cute little babby, how could you hurt him? :(

You truly believe THIS is a person?

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Holy flying fucked saved

Attached: unmerciful.jpg (1024x839, 100.37K)

What is a person? Checkmate.

>You idiot! That's an elephant
Don't you mean a parasite in an elephant's body?

That's a black fetus. You know if this had audio the white person would be mime-ing
"Ayo hol up my nigga"
when they were opening its mouth with their finger.

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No, but look at the 2nd and third trimester and try to tell me thats not a human,

these are the tricks leftists try to pull, when many red states have a 15 week or older abortion ban, they aren't banning abortion in the first 3 months

Attached: pregnancy-by-months-and-weeks-chart.png (2400x1020, 54.48K)

Can you explain how this is a self-own? Not in opposition to what you are saying but I don't see the logic behind a self-own. Is it that they asked a question that they knew was a lie?

A human fetus is a human person. At the very least, it has the POTENTIAL, which is exactly the reason libs like to use to keep disabled children and niggers alive.

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how many months is that?

He cute

it's a mouse

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Look man. I dont care what you do but I personally dont "like" abortions but you should be allowed to have them for the small amount of tragic cases. Freedom for all or none and if it is a yes or no to abortion it has to be yes just in case. Also killshot arguments are for fags spitting rhetoric

do people even know what an abortion looks like? If not they should show everybody this at 18

Attached: informative.webm (480x360, 1.01M)

Yes they are and yes the first 3 months are still a person

At least they’re finally being honest about worshipping Moloch with infant sacrifices

actually, i think it's a dog. but it's still alive, it's still a mammal, and it has the potential to grow into a more meaningful life

Regardless of it being human or not, it is a life. Killing life is a sin.

Attached: Waow.png (662x453, 361.54K)

Such dose genii is shit. Ok what time frame. Let us post a picture of the pregnancy at what the was and say is this a child?

What does it's DNA say, faggot?

That's a man

>self own
how? its a tool used to trip up emotional retards.

let's say i stab you. in california, if it kills the child, it is treated as homicide. if it kills both the mother and fetus, it's counted as a double homicide. you don't get to have it both ways; sorry



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Poor thing. The depressing thing is that it is still alive so it is eligible for receive the saving waters of Jesus Christ and this cunt holding it isn't doing an emergency baptism.


>you should be allowed to have them for the small amount of tragic cases.
What about the 99% of cases where a slag has had some old fart nut in her after a few pints?

You truly believe THIS is a person?

Attached: Person.jpg (1200x900, 205.33K)

thats a dog or something with a tail of some kind

do you get charged with murder if you kys?
inb4 try it

Yes. At my 8 week ultrasound appointment my son was wiggling around, had a strong and fast heartbeat, and genuinely looked so happy. 16 weeks came along and his features were defining up and was actively playing with the umbilical cord. Fast forward to 28 weeks and his smiles, waves, and even personality was present. He's now almost a year old and I'm so thankful for him everyday. Fuck everyone who says an embryo isn't a human at heartbeat.

Also most women are delusional they'll mourn chemical pregnancies and miscarriages as early as 6 weeks yet they scream "not human" for their abortions.

if they say "well it's an elephant" they are saying it's a living being either way. elephant or not aren't they supposed to point out "well.... it's a clump of cells okay!!!" instead?