Females of Any Forums 2.0

Females of Any Forums 2.0
last edish reached the bump limit

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How many incels will come back now?

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Idk I'm just here to see if the divorced femanon comes back

I want to kill more than I want to have sex. Am I damned?

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I better see tits ITT

my menstruation is kinda wacky during summer

you clearly have nothing better to do than argue with 'incels' for hours on an anime porn website

you aren't a female stop LARPing, you never showed your tits/timestamp and your fishing for (Yous)
in short, neck yourself

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just checking in if you did show boobs already.

If i showed my body i would be a whore and you wouldn't take me seriously anyway

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Nigger, I'm sure all the "femanons" here are either LARPers trannies (which will never be womens anyway)

Unless someone prove me otherwise, I maintain that Any Forums womens doesn't exist

>But housewives are equal in importance on their role in society to men. How is it that you do not understand my point, women used to be the ones to create and run the majority of social events all through out history, while some culture and stuff is originated by men it has been the womans role to run (unpaid) social events. This is a fact.

No retard it’s not a fact, it’s a laughably false and baseless claim that culture originated among females who were literally molded in every society around the world by their men. It was men who created laws, philosophy and traditions that guided those civilizations.

>social events
All events whether religious or political were run by men. Men were priests, men were lawgivers, men were philosophers, men were soldiers.

It’s some delusion to say women concocted culture while being literally second class citizens busy with doing menial task and taking care of young children all day. You never read a single history book much less many to see the same pattern in every civilization from Rome to China.

This “we gave birth to men who created great civilization so WE DID IT” is absolutely retarded. Same white women give birth to men today who end up being degenerates because of the jew culture and women are the number one retards to get tricked by it. This itself is another proof women conform to whatever the women in society demand, not vice verse.

LARPers or trannies*

One posted their boobs with timestamps, but was too attractive. For me, it's a glowie.

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You can just do cleavage with a timestamp it's the only way anybody will believe you're a femanon

Women would rather share a successful man than be attached to a faithful loser.
Many women do not marry for love.
Most divorces end up with the guy cherishing the woman but the woman detesting the man.
Even for long-term marriage, the Don Juan is the way to go.
The ‘innocent, nice girl’ is often the horniest and likely uninnocent.
Many women consider your looks, your career, what you can offer them, before your integrity and character.
Women are more sexual than men can even dream.
Women are not attracted to genius, only strength and imagination.
Woman’s sole mission is union, either for pleasure or the fruits of children. She cares nothing for your philosophy and all except to either use it to catch interest in a guy or to enthrone herself.
Women, in sex, desire to be treated as an object and relish it.
Women place value in societal links; how they are thought of. You become her ego.

>please give me attention guys I called you the name

Just a reminder you can't make white babies of you forsake all white women

>offers no arguments
>you wouldn’t treat me seriously
no one does

Rotha Beryl Lintorn Lintorn-Orman (7 February 1895 – 10 March 1935) was the founder of the British Fascisti, the first avowedly fascist movement to appear in British politics.
Following Lintorn-Orman's war service, she placed an advertisement in the right-wing journal The Patriot seeking anti-communists.[8] This led to the foundation of the British Fascisti (later the British Fascists) in 1923 as a response to the growing strength of the Labour Party, a source of great anxiety for the virulently anti-Communist Lintorn-Orman

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You will never be a woman

Can I lick your soles oh mighty goddesses????

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is that your mother or something

No one would respect you...because you're trans right?

Cunt are you really that attention seeking? There was like only 1 other confirmed femoid in last thread

If it is said that a man’s world is the State, that the man’s world is his struggle, his willingness to devote himself to the community, one might perhaps say that a woman’s world is a smaller one. For her world is her husband, her family, her children, and her home. But where would the larger world be if no one wanted to care for the small world? How could the larger world survive if there was no one who would make the cares of the smaller world the content of his life? No, the large world is built upon this small world! This greater world cannot survive if the small world is not firm. Providence assigned to woman the care of this, her very own world, and it is only on this foundation that the man’s world can be formed and can grow.

However, these two worlds are never opposed to one another. They mutually complement each other, they belong together, just as man and wife belong together.

What a man sacrifices in struggling for his Volk, a woman sacrifices in struggling to preserve this Volk in individual cases. What a man gives in heroic courage on the battlefield, woman gives in eternally patient devotion, in eternally patient suffering and endurance. Every child to which she gives birth is a battle which she wages in her Volk’s fateful question of to be or not to be.

- Adolf Hitler

you again. I disproved every one of your points
>muh based hisapnics voted 30% trump
as you can see not a single state would have swung red if only they voted, even florida, full of "based" cubans

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Oh boy I can't wait to see what women get up in these threads

I want to do some sex screwing fucking

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My hatred for white woman has surpassed that of niggers

based, checked and kino-pilled


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Based and redpilled

I don't think you ever hated nignos in the first place.

politics. There were women in the SS. Look at all th4ese women in the kitchen

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nah, you would be a cheerleader for /pol.

you're not a virgin so you're already a whore sweaty, now whip out those tits or get saged

'ate white women
'luv roided negroes
simple as

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she is not divorced yet I think.

don't have a penis and i'm not a 13y old girl

>men in society demand*

Women are npcs that repeat whatever narrative their fathers, husbands and society (aka men) provide them with. They can be a keeper of household fire or whores who murder their babies in the name of hedonism and social approval.

that is a diagram of a male rectum

good. then do the needful.

brought it to britain at a time when it was unheard of. Heil!

do you think bbc is real?

Now post women protesting not being able to murder their babies you twisted 70 IQ idiot. Or better yet, post weimar whores who just ten years before were peak degeneracy. Every single claim you make is empty or an emotional appeal to distort reality. Females are non thinking hedonistic animals that only function when they’re forced by men to be civilized

Dude I think she is a glowie. Do not ever trust what seems to good. Can't know for sure tho

I said it once and I'll say it again if there was a single female (White and moderately attractive) here you would easily prove it by going on a picnic with me and having some cuddles.
Good book, and you sound like an angry little firecracker

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A wonderful man, that Rockwell. Imagine if he saw the state of Any Forums today

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you're a literal prostitute, you have no value and you will not make any man happy, get off my board degen whore

It is a womanly thing to establish superiority through convincing arguments; it is a manly thing to conquer the world through one's power.

why would she be a fed? posting tits online is now illegal? lol

How did you disprove anything when you literally proven women voted MUCH LESS for Hitler than men proving women have always been hopeless, easily controlled children?

never met a negro who was not trying to sell me bracelets and ive fortunately never seen one naked


Yes surely there were women lining the halls of SS and military meetings in the highest positions

No serious government or entity in general wants women in charge of making any decisions or doing anything requiring intellect or composure

Get over it and shut up no one wants to hear your bitching and no man in general cares about anything that comes out of your mouth unless you are fucking them

Women are not allowed on Pol, only European tomboys and men are

>translation: i used to have a penis and am not a woman

>unheard of
No, she literally posted FIRST under Mussolini’s youtube video. She didn’t contribute anything, literally said “hey anybody read the newspaper? Cool thing” you idiot

ok here you go

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Flower swastika is best swastika.
Where do I find femanons irl, I want my kids to be friends with their kids and in turn we can drink tea, play rummy and fantasize about the 4th reich being realized for the future of our children.

Why would a fed try to lure right wing people in? Till she/he (you have no reason to believe you are talking to who made the photo) doesn't ask for contacts/personal info should be fine.