You’re All Fucking Stupid

Oldfags probably already realized this yesterday, but all of you newfags celebrating are fucking retarded. This is out of the globohomo playbook, they’ve done this plenty of times. They’re using the abolition of Roe v Wade as a pre-requisite to be able to force whatever they want on you. That’s probably going to include, but not be limited to the vax, state enforced homosexuality, etc etc. You newfags need to realize that these kikes think 2-3 steps ahead before they make a decision. Within the next 2 years I guarantee you that you will be forced to do something you would’ve never done before. That’s it all.

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Close your legs

low IQ schizo, based.


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at least you’re smart enough to know what’s coming kek

This and also minorities were outpacing whites in getting abortions (~40% were blacks alone). Now minorities will outpace whites in births at an even faster rate.
People celebrating are fucking r e t a r d e d.

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They were already forcing the vax before this. This is some next level kikery, 'killing your enemies makes you hypocritical' type shit


Lol as if retards here can read, if they read they would of realized scotus reasoning pretty much eliminates the 9th amendment

>no valid point

40% of blacks, what was the percentage of whites?

if you kill your enemies, they win

fpbp. Seethe more stan worshipping kike

~40% blacks, ~33% white, the remainder were non-black/non-white minorities

It's simply an obvious fact that the constitution doesn't give the right to abortion.

Any seething or coping about the reactions of hysterical democrat voters is irrelevant.
Roe v wade was an illegitimate ruling, and it's a good thing that it got overturned.

If you disagree you should chop your cock off immediately because you don't believe in reality.

>Oldfags probably already realized this yesterday, but all of you newfags celebrating are fucking retarded
yes finally someone is saying it
>they’re using the abolition of Roe v Wade as a pre-requisite to be able to force whatever they want on you.
nevermind this guy's retarded too

It's not all bad. The only silver lining is an affirmation of states rights. This gives us some clear lines to fight over. Red states and blue states can hate each other. I don't believe it's 4d chess but I do believe it will backfire in someways. Hopefully those are also acceleratory.

>everything that happens is good for globohomo and bad for you

33% of the white population is still far larger than 40% of the black population in real terms. This will increase the white birth rate

Baby killing kike stays mad. You would rather kill white children to stop innocent black children from dying? Your life is worth less than 1 million black christian’s

>abortion is not a right

its a choice

What do you mean? You need more niggers and this will help you achieve that goal, you should be happy.

it’s not 33% of either population, it’s 33% of total abortions. It doesn’t matter any way, all babies deserve to live

>scotus btfo's fed overreach giving states the right to rule their citizens as they see fit
>muh globohomo playbook
You're the blackest, dumbest gorilla nigger around. Your mother should've aborted you.
>niggers follow the law and therefore will start giving birth to their spawn because their local planned parenthood closed
Another fucking retard. Where do you dipshits come from? Never heard of coat hangers, you mouthbreather?


Stop killing kids.

>ban abortion
>they get injected and die in elementary school anyway
kinda pointless desu. just gives pharma corps more money

go back to your getty images thread, faggot

They're incompetent, they can't pull off shit. They couldn't pull off their stupid vaxx passport even with all anglo-western governments and corporations onboard.

And the my body my choice argument isn't valid. There are two bodies, and the state is now granting rights to the second body.

Not to mention its a way for Democrats to breed more black voters while rallying women to vote for them in the next election, and this is all because of Biden's black woman SCOTUS pick that he was so adamant on picking a black woman.

Le Christ cuck.
Blacks are not human, we can slaughter all of them and at worst it would be morally neutral, like putting down a sick cow.

>you will be forced
I do not consent

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Wrong, human babies without disabilities deserve to live. Not niggers and tards.


So you will gladly adopt them right?

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