
>the only post soviet country that isn’t a terrible corrupt shit hole.
>Finno Ugric.

Is this the true master race?

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Where are all the fucking Estonians and Finns

ayo whatchu wan, cracka

Are Finno-Ugrics really high IQ hyperboreans? If so then you need to lead the fight against the kike

shhiiieeet, we wuz iq gigachads n shiieet but then da vikangs stole our iq n shiieet

Das rite cracka wez from thvle dawg

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Best flag

dese jids man dey stole our everyzing from a FINN man his dignity his iq man even *sucks his lips* even his dam pants aim no kiddin man i sit in a trousers it's dem hot today man i bet dese fucking koreans are behind it dey hold us down sainz our last war aint to kiddin man those chinese are into something dem fuck

extremely hung over. Biggest national holiday just ended and the main tradition is getting shitfaced and starting massive bonfires.

i am at home sweating my balls off...if you would like for only 5 euros i will send you a jar of my ball sweat and you can taste of a little of the power of the Finno Ugric master race.

Hell yeah, we are.
Kneel before me, mutt.

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defeat the kike, and we will kneel

I like how americans state things with authority while being completely ignorant on the subject. Never change, americans.

We are currently in the middle of a pagan rite where we celebrate midsummer with extreme drinking.

Way to ruin the fun. Never change, butthurt Polish nigger.

estonia is quite fucking depressing if you think. Same applies to finland even we are technically not a post soviet country. Even sweden is depressing.

There is a depression ongoing

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They are all Danish property.

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I don’t know the reason, but one factor could be the small size of inhabitants which facilitates faster change.

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>Not a corrupt shithole.

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That’s sexist


what fun? Fun is not allowed, asshole. Do you think posting on Any Forums is a game?

Bro our high tier politicians and police literally are corrupt.

we are currently suffering inflation and I see more pajeets arriving into my town of 12000 people or so

Food delivery companies are a pajeet scam to take over Europe

Is there a country where they aren't?