There will be niggers in Heaven. And a lot of them

There will be niggers in Heaven. And a lot of them.

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jesus was a nigger

There will be a lot more of them in hell though.

at least now we know what lucifer revolted against

kill self and party with the trannies on hell

>Lucifer protested demanding equality
Imagine not knowing this made Lucifer the OG Nigger

that is not what I said at all

you're not going, so why do you care?
you get to be in the cool kids' club with like 90% of the other people here. calm your man tits, leaf

revolted against nature
revolted against something outside of his control
revolted against something he wished he controlled
revolted against authority generally

you know.. about half of all white people
as a story--as a paradigm--it's quite compelling, from a narrative standpoint

unironically most of women will be in hell and there will be special female-aliens for men to fuck in heaven, so there is that.

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Animals do not go to heaven.

that's okay, there won't be any jews so they won't be compromized by talmudic brain-rot

Not anymore. Abortion got them there. Now that they’ll be born, hell it is.

dumb mutt shut the fuck up

So Lucifer was a lolberg

Uh... no? As far as I know, unbaptized people go straight to hell. Unbaptized children go straight to hell too.

It's actually not clear if anyone actually "go[es] to heaven", according to scripture, although there is some evidence -- For example, the Bible says that some people can build up their treasures in heaven, and then the question becomes if you'll ever actually go there to get them, or if just having those treasures in God's realm is what's important, etc. In any case, the actual message of the Bible is that the Kingdom of God -- of which heaven is just a part -- is coming to the earth, and that those whom Jesus Christ judges worthy (those who were indeed chosen since before the universe was created, according to scripture) will be resurrected (if necessary), and will help him rule here on the earth (over whom? each other? the non-chosen?) "for a thousand years", with what happens after that left for speculation.

In heaven nigger don’t have to turn their music down.

he got better


what happens to babies who die in miscarriage?


there will be whites in hell.
and they are all leftist cunts

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if that's how you think about it? sure; yes
in truth, no--and jews don't even believe in satan as the quintessential avatar of evil. he's more of a trickster and source of temptation rather than strictly adversarial against god. humans do that better than satan, in their view; and i can't say that i disagree with them on that score