Spoke to a literal jewish person outside local bakery

>spoke to a literal jewish person outside local bakery
>hat and everything
>talked about spirituality and cultural shit
>asked him about circumcision
>told me he was never circumcised despite being born in a Jewish hospital
>says he doesn't know why
Guys wtf, so I was forced to get my foreskin removed as a baby but not him? Am I being jewed or him?

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You’re definitely getting jewed, leaf

congratulations you got raped


clearly you were the one being jewed, obviously. youre parents were dumb enough, as were mine, to go along with the foreskin removal ritual of the ancient desert dwellers.

You should ask your parents why they surrendered over their newborn baby to have a perfectly functional bodypart snipped off

You don't get circumcised in the hospital, you moron. Brit Mila is carried out 8 days after birth, usually in a ritual someplace else.
Judging by your flag it checks out, since diaspora Jews pretty much get away with anything these days.

>asked him about circumcision
Will never understand this rent free autistic obsession.

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Was his mother or father Jewish? I'm guessing he's half on his father's side.

You just casually talk about cocks with random strangers on the street?

was he buying bagles?

Attached: 1647063770791 jews .webm (900x506, 1.85M)

you were lied to, goober. they do that.

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sue your parents for mutilating your genitals

Only religious Jews and Muslims get cut. The rest don't give a fuck.

No they weren't, they were turbo boomers who thought ronald regan could do no wrong

He is going against the covenant with G-d. You should have called him a GOY and walked away.

it has nothing to do with some sooper_sekrit_turbojew plan, you fucking tards. has everything to do with american vanity- which is somewhat infectious across the west, since we're still technically a majority european white country--but definitely still, culturally speaking

It's Canadian culture to talk about anal fisting at coffee shops with strangers. It's inclusive.

i could see this happening, but i'm not sure what the appropriate damages/remedy would be legally speaking
whatever the cost to reconstruct the foreskin would be, presumably

Amazing how the Jews don’t even have to lie about their privilege anymore

>>get the rake

>I walked up to a random guy and started to ask him about his dick.
Nigger you gay.

I asked him why jews cut up baby's genitals and why they think it's a "good thing". He tried to avoid answering but only told me he wasn't.
>"I don't know I wasn't circumcised."
And left

You, an obvious schizophrenic, spoke to a random uber juden about penises, and expected him to tell the truth?

I guess it was foolish to really expect him to try.

Sat in Vancouver airport for 8 hours on a layover (for a cheaper flight to Europe where they don’t even have masks anymore) and had to mask up. Literal Fascists about it. Canada has big problems getting Trujeud. However, many based things written in sharpie in the mens stalls about Covid being a scam. Leafs are great people with a terrible regime and they won’t take it much longer. Good luck Leafs. We’ve been talking the day of the rake for so long, but it will be a good old fashioned revolution, and a successful one at that. Sorry!