They said they weren't gonna do it, they lied!!! >:( BIDEN DO SOMETHING

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Biden can't do anything but promote better education in public schools and remind people that the right to medicine is with them because of the 10th amendment


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Did they excluse Thomas since calling for his arrest would make the poster look racist?

I read their comments and I don't think that they can be accused of perjury according to this guy's "evidence" since roe was the law of the land and a precedent until a new case became a new law and another precedent.

None of these responses says
>"I swear to never ever vote to overturn Roe v. Wade :)"

When they said Roe was settled Law it was settled Law.
There was no lie.

They were never asked wether they would overturn it or not.

There was no lie or perjury that could lead to impeachment.

Ridin' with Biden in your Car Day canceled due to high fuel prices.

Ridin' with Biden on your Bicycle Day canceled due to the old fart falling down constantly.

Are people not allowed to change their mind?

This. It's funny how a leftist's brain lacks the ability to see this.

These people are so angry, yet I feel no corresponding sense of triumph. It doesn't seem quite fair.

The sad thing is, they were asked, very directly, and these were their responses. They weren't being honest in their answers, they were dancing around their answer because they knew it were damage their chances of confirmation. They didn't break the law, but it's some slimy shit.

They know fully that no lie took place, so their only solace is to lie about a non-lie.

>3, 38s
How did we all know it was a pre-emptive thing for so much?

actually ACB was asked if she would overturn during confirmation. Her actual answer was pulling and RBG "i cannot make a decisition without having all the relevant facts and/or express myself broadly and simplisticly about a potential future judicial procedure. that wouls jeopardize correct judgment" or some shit like that. Some fag pull out the clip on jewtube
>inb4 phonfagging
Suck my dick

These are just vague, unbiased political statements that are more or less true that aren't indicative of how they might rule on a review.

Look, it was precedent for years because that Jew witch Ginsburg still continued to exist. Now that she's gone and didn't have the basic sense to retire during Obama, things have changed. If you wanna blame someone, blame it on RBG.

None of those answers were lies

They are just stating facts that were correct at the time of their statements.
>RvW is the law of the land
It truly was. Guess who is authorized to change the law of the land?

>Roe v. Wade is an important precedent
There's nothing true or false about this, it's a statement of observation
>That's the law of the land. I accept the law of the land
Intentionally vague statement broken down into two parts. Classic lawyer word games to specifically avoid perjury.
>It's settled as a precedent
It was settled, just as Plessy was, this does not mean it can't be re-evaluated under a new case
>Roe v. Wade clearly held that the Constitution protected a woman's right to terminate a pregnancy
True, that is what the holding of that case said, but this does not say whether she would overturn that holding

Right-wingers always lie or do some slimy bullshit to not admit openly to their racist, mysoginic, homophobic, transphobic, antisemitic views.
Truly disgusting creatures.

>sorry chuds, the science changed againg
>what do you mean its not constitutional?! BUT THESE POLITICIANS SAID IT WAS IMPORTANT 14 YEARS AGO!!!

Try to impeach one supreme court Justice and you will see all nine of them unite to defend the court. The backlash would be immediate and would be costly for the democrats.

Rule of thumb is never give any answers esp direct answers to any government official. They're judges and know this.

I dont think these people understand that holding up the current law is not contradictory to that law later being overturned by the right authorities. If anything it's the civilized way - holding up the law even if you disagree with it. Which makes me an uncivilized person I guess, but it is what it is.

Oh please, your kind's fav hobby is show trials.

I enjoy watching satanic baby killers seethe as much as the next user, but niggers lying their way into a lifetime position on our nation's highest court does seem like a problem. Unless you're incapable of recognizing that liberals will do the exact same thing while they pack the court in response to this week's "injustice".

why don't you impeach him again?

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You're a shill and no one should listen to you

You’re allowed to make different decisions once presented with new information. Why do I get the feeling you’re a faggot from Reddit?

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I fully support every decision made by the court this week. You're intentionally downplaying a problem because it's convenient to our interests at this moment. Enjoy watching faggot Biden apppint 10 lying troon justices lmao.