So, let me get this straight:

So, let me get this straight:
baby hungry roasties can now corner & rape any dudes they want, and you'll be FORCED to keep the baby & pay her child support for the fatass retard she raises, and this is a GOOD thing? You WANT this?

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>people having to deal with the consequences of the actions they choose
the horror
the horror

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Yes. This will also stop the baby murder hungry roasting from getting an abortion every few months in order to get her baby killing fix in

if you believe this you are the retard

Yes, but you can also rape her first and disappear to enjoy the lulz from a distance.

nigga nobody chooses to get raped by a 300 pound bitch in an alley
r u fukin mental

Yeah uhh I was raped by that whale. I totally didn't just walk into that alleyway with her because I was drunk and she grabbed my dick.

>t. You

>being raped by a woman you can outwalk at a brisk pace
You deserve it.

They've been doing this for years already. Guys have to pay for the abortions, roastie lies and after kid is born hits him up for child support $$.
Just give up already - this reverse psychology doesn't work on Any Forums TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS.

>you're chilling on the beach
>nobody around
>landwhale attacks from the sea and rapes you
>you now have a half-landwhale child
Tell me where the logic fails
you probably WANT a fat kid you fucking psycho
I'm moving to a place where sperm whales have no right to keep their ill-begotten progeny.

>You WANT this?
I will now fly my INCEL ass to america, just to rape&impregnate the first white woman I see.

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>Corner and rape any dudes
Lmao if you can get raped by a woman might as well kill yourself low T. Faggot

you fool
youve heard of rooftop Koreans
get ready for rooftop roasties

>rooftop MEGA-roasties

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fucking retarded tranny. Women could already do that. You couldn't force women to have abortions so it was always up to them. If they wanted a kid, they'd keep it and fuck you over.

But women are too picky for 95% of guys anyways so whore cares

>America is overrun by roving bands of black roasties
>white women hide their men under the floor like Jews
>you're awoken one night by a crash
>the boasties have found you
>you are raped by twelve Africans & a Maori
>you disable them all, put them in a sack
>you search for hours for an underground abortion clinic
>the police catch you in a motel trying to give the boasties abortions
>you've only finished six abortions
>you go to jail for a decade
>your forced-to-term mulatto children call you "Pee-paw" & steal from local grocery stores
>Your family name is destroyed
This is the future you have created.

Jesus fuck you're stupid
You buy plan b
You put it in her food
But uh oh! Now plan b is illegal.
You dumb fuck.

>Getting raped by a woman
Unless she's in the top 1% strongest women and you're in the bottom 1% weakest men, you can't get raped by a woman, which is my fetish. I wish I wasn't a 6'1" tall 175 pounds man of pure muscle: no woman will ever be able to overpower me :(

Sneaking plan b into food is a good way to go to jail you fucking retard lol

>baby hungry roasties can now corner & rape any dudes they want, and you'll be FORCED to keep the baby & pay her child support for the fatass retard she raises
How does abortion change this? They could already do this. Abortion existing doesn't mean the man is off the hook. The woman just decides to not have an abortion.

how tf do you rape someone physically stronger then you? Stop sucking on that crack pipe

>OMG NOOO I have to pull out and nut on the bitch's face now