Why do some people find it so wrong if someone is sexually attracted only towards their own race

why do some people find it so wrong if someone is sexually attracted only towards their own race
>be me
>drunk at a college party
>made the mistake of telling a few of my friends there that i would only ever date a white girl
>they all look at me with a look of disgust and confusion
>they act weird around me for the rest of the semester
>tfw on summer break now and wont see them for a few months
>don't even know if i can hang out with them normally next semester
did i just lose my college buddys bros?

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they weren't your buddies

How exactly did you expect revealing your power level with college students to go?

Gonna need more context. But telling others your preferences is brain-dead retard tier unless you own it and mention it in the correct context.

Bro if u werent finish i wouldnt even respond
Youre lucky if u have 5 friends when u
Turn 40 that youve known for more than
15 years, totally normal

i haven't revealed my power level on race to any of them before or after this, only non leftist thing i've said to them before this was that i didn't get the vaxx
we were already talking about dating and each others preferences, i even followed up my comment that it's not about racism, i just dont find any other girls than white attractive


no you gained your balls
and the glory of your bloodline's eternal life.

>i even followed up my comment that it's not about racism, i just dont find any other girls than white attractive
Shouldn't have done that. Might've copped shit from them for just saying you only like whites but this is the part they chomped into.

college is for cucks and you're a cuck for having "friends" who drop you at the tip of a hat
go figure you loser faggot

because they have brain damage to their amygdala
no meme

You lost em bro. Real chads know beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You basically told them you like to suck and fuck with incels to pic related.

If you just played your cool, didnt reveal your "power level" you could still hang with those guys and go to their parties and get laid. But now you basically show them you are beta, and a liability to bring around women. They wont invite you when the girls come.

There is nothing wrong with liking your own race. But because of stuff your peers do like pic related, worshipping actual children killers like brevik and tarrant. You have to be very careful how you present your preferences because you were drunk and probably spouted off crazy shit like a drunk polcel, and now they think you are a racist.

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You have to hide your power level around mode it’s and faggots. Learn from it at least


>caring about college mates

Lmao, you still care about middle school mates too?

Remember, if you're attracted to the same sex, that's how you were born and you can't help it. But if you're attracted to the same race, that's a choice and you are a bigot.

I meant this pic related. That pic related was meant to show how you are a liar. The white man, though he try and hide it. Is still an ape. Black women are most apish of women and thats a good thing. There is nothing wrong with being apish. You are apes. Youve just been blinded by vanity my brother Narcissus. Hubris clouds your judgement. But you cannot escape your base simian nature.



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They were probably disgusted that you were speaking your personal shit when you should have been pouring another round of salmiakkikossu shots.

that was to try and repair the situation, i said it after their look of disgust, but yeah shouldn't have followed it up, i was pretty drunk

Dude, are you kidding me? The girl and the more the wife is more important than the buddies who would have thrown you anyway sooner or later.

Besides - they do not think about your personal happiness - what kind of friends are they then?

disregard normalfags and their spastic sensitivities

not attractive

I don't see a problem. Almost every woman I've ever found myself attracted to has been white. I think I've narrowed the "issue" down to anatomical or bone structure in the body/face. Probably a hardwired animal thing. The only non-white women I've ever found attractive had very white-woman features and bone structure.

As an example. Freakish hip dimensions, large jaw, flat nose, forehead seems to slope early. Probably the best angle they could get. Also, looks like she is pissing herself, and they really did have to include basketball, huh?

Besides, we are who we surround ourselves with. Don't surround yourself with shitty people, mindless people, vulgar people, etc. if you don't want to be or be seen as one yourself.

Being sexually attracted towards your own race is the most natural thing. Race mixing is degeneracy and zoophilia.

Don't listen to him, he's a glowie. There's nothing wrong with liking women of your race. On the contrary, it's great. Without people like you, blondes will die out.

And even if you are not blond, you are still a European, no matter what the mutts tell you.

Coal black hands ineptly typed that.

Are you no longer allowed to have that opinion? My dating preferences are my personal business.

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They're bigots who don't respect your preferences

She is might not be but there are plenty of girls of different races who are attractive, youre just being an incel edge faggot. I-I only like da white woman!!

Okay. So where is your gf? You are pandering to an online club of incels with regurgitated talking points, because you are a beta who cant get any pussy. Why should you have preference when you are a coward who cannot get women. Do you see the point? Its like a man with no legs saying he prefers shoes over sandals.

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Isn't that kink shaming or what ever they call it

freakish hip dimensions? Boomer faglet detected. Rotting boomer, where is your wife. As if the ancients didnt carve fertility idols. Know your place cracker. Your destiny is to have the shit colored mud you despise, hungrily consume your rotting ephemeral chimp flesh as you dare to larp. Before you return to that brown earth you came from larping chimpanzee.

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>She is might not be but there are plenty of girls of different races who are attractive

But this is not a reason to bring other people together. You are not a matchmaker.

the only "hot" non whites have european looking features. everyone deep down knows that whites are the most attractive. your so called friends are hypocrites and would take a white over some nigger 10/10 times.

B-Blondes will die out!

Attached: indian albino family.jpg (1908x1146, 204.83K)

Neither is your fake race and countries complete owned and operated by satanism.

>sends albinos

Glowie, have you been completely depressed since your crazy grandpa started to rule your country?

>posts albinos

W-We dont wanna come from albinos!!! wahh Cheddarman Debonked! Debonked! My cope life is cope debonked!

Seethe mutie.

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who needs nigger lovers anyway.

W-We dont wanna come from albinos!! We dont like albinos!! We hate our own ancestors, we forsake them for vanity. Like Nacissus consumed.

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Talk to text and touch keyboards are rigged to make you look stupid. EVERY TIME I try to type nigger it gives me 'nigher'.

>not a single nordic in picrel
Why do they look so aboriginal?

There is nothing wrong with what you stated but you're going to be shunned regardless as you've become a liability to the wokefishers trying to poach a piece of SJW ass.

Perhaps you will forge new friendships with more like minded individuals. I am sorry I have no helpful words but I love your music and wish you the best.

D-Dey don't look like us!! Noooo! nooo!!!(palpatine voice)

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Looks more like cultural appropriation if anything

Shut up chinkcel

Why are such a sad person? (human voice)

t. Monkey pox spreader

Was it really that hard to say you prefer Finnish girls? You could have even said European because of cultural reasons. It's not hard