Look what you too away from us, you fucking Nazis

Look what you too away from us, you fucking Nazis.
Still think you’re the good guys?
Go to hell!

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Maybe you should have fought harder, then

mistakes happen

in communism the mistakes are planned


op is a faggot

>a random jewish bitch
you retarded? francais colonizer

jews had no trouble moving to israel just a few years later maybe if they had the motivation to get off their asses beforehand none of this would have happened

That's a dude.

>She did not survive.

Prove it.


bitch probs couldnt throw it back, on jah bro

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I will never understand the logic of the nazis.

A music to my ears

By that time jewess lolis were a dime a dozen.
Camp guards can only fuck so many....

Looks kinda like me. I don't wanna be Jewish bros

That's a man.

>deported from US to pooland
Please tell me this is true! America was based af.

Yeah, it was.

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When whites chimpout shit is for real. You can always avoid a black chimpout but whites are such good documenters. They'll find you and snatch you.

Good on the USA for killing that wigger Adolf.

Do the hutus also constantly hear about the 600,000 tutsis they killed?

Always remember that you cannot estimate their true qualities from a frontal 2D image.

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Based, jews started faggot literature and art if you dig it down enough.

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