Explain yourselves, mutts

Explain yourselves, mutts.

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Jedem das Seine

blonde girl is hot, is there r34 ?

Those hecklers are correct and in the right every step of the way

At what age do you become an adult

>faggot leaf
>obsessed with america
go virtue signal some more Justin

Liberals are mentally ill

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Das ist lustig, weil ich in Wirklichkeit das Gegenteil meine

I don't care if people kill their children, but I also hate that retards that have kids they can't afford get free shit .. society is backwards when you reward the fuck ups and make good responsible people foot the bill

Personal responsibility. That's it. That's the thread.

wheres the issue with this image again?

mutts punish roasties

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well do you see any other good threads on here?

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>i am financially responsible for someone for the rest of thier life because i dont want them murdered

easy. don't get pregnant if you can't support the child. you are not entitled to sex without consequences

>Retard with no critical thinking skills makes comic.

Stopping babies from being killed (Stopping an evil act) vs not giving a person hand-outs (Choosing to not do a charitable act)

They are not equatable

maybe she should get married

>you get to murder your child if i don't want to give you my money
Yes, but only applies to non-whites

except the moms do get a tons of aid, WIC comes to mind , and all sorts of other gibs.

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Pretty much sums up the way I feel about these cartoons, right wing ones can be bad but left winf ones are, on average, much worse. like holy shit there's no humor there.

Just because I don't want someone to be murdered doesn't mean I want to provide for their needs, retard
There is no fallacy here

You've missed the point entirely.
The point is taking responsibility for your actions.
Did you fuck someone without protection? Deal with the consequences of child care instead of killing babies.
Did you give birth to a child? Support that child and don't expect others to pickup for you.

Pretty simple concept.

whats the point in making the right wingers jacked up like space marines ?