Hello, based department?

Hello, based department?

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Based and states rights pilled.

Attached: good joke.jpg (227x224, 10.8K)

Seems like a solid campaign platform

>SEGA system ™

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>has to say it like he is "fighting back"
The entire point was making it a states issue instead of a federal issue.

That's also cancer

California dont need no fresh water

it's gonna be funny watching the feds do raids on clinics while the local police just stand around and watch like they did with weed dispensaries.

They don't need their "cooperation", states can elect to access sealed medical records, so if she uses her name she will arrested and brought before a court.


>feds do raids on clinics
no need, its now a states issue.

>if she uses her name
see you just gave the workaround.
Name: Jane Hoe 2002.

so, he wont cooperate with nevada and utah and arizona who control the main source of water to california?

Can i please have a war between American states over this? PLEASE!

agitate for the based states to cut off the water supply

Not my problem.

>Jane Hoe

Top fucking kek, user

But what about the men?
Men can birth babies too, you know

>when you paint yourself as being a le heckin rebel but really you're just practicing states rights, which is what this entire kvetch was about in the first place
californians live in bizarro world

Abortion legal in blue states, while illegal in red ones.
Red ones fill with trash and go blue under 20 years.
Blue states sell abortion at x5 markup

Fridays ruling specifically made abortion a state issue. California can have legal abortions. Missouri will not.

What do they drink?

you are dumb

Official secession of the NCR begins.

Attached: NCR.jpg (275x183, 7.34K)

Hopefully , they will all move to California.
*or back