What was the worst thing satan ever did?

What was the worst thing satan ever did?

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Build the Synagogue of satan

Ultimately, rebel against his master, the Lord Jesus. It all started like that

Nothing. He's part of Gods plan.

more like GAYtan LOL


modern society.

Convince the world he doesn't exist.

Beat me to it.

More like convince of omnipotence

Good answer.

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Dumb faggot. Jews created before Satan. Read the bible.

I always found these modern depictions of Satan to be laughable. The older depictions are much more unsettling.

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Beat me bastardo.

it depends. which fairytale are we talking about?


Jews created satan


convince people he does not exist........

>convince the world you don't exist
>convince people to continue child sacrifice via "abortion rights"
>convince people to spread faggotry via "social ratings"
>convince people to destroy the nuclear family via "growing up"
>convince people to commit adultary at a young age via "shaming"
>all this while enriching his enablers both in money and ego
>every single sin is now in debate for enabling because of "freedom"
not gonna lie, the plan is working

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