Christians really want you to hate Satan

>Christians really want you to hate Satan
>terribly written villain barely elaborated on just used as a literary device for parables and to move the stories along
>most cunning of arch angels just follows God's prophecy laid bare to all see to his eternal doom
>derided for being prideful but God gets jealous if you build a totem and nobody bats an eye at this
He isn't even defined in the beginning as evil incarnate but refered to as the dawn bringer. It couldn't be anymore obvious Hellenic jews incorporated the Prometheus myth and later Pandora into Eve for women being the answer as to why there is evil in the world.

Write your main villain better next time instead of a retarded cartoon scapegoat retconned into a snake for a wrathful god to poop on.

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>memeflag atheist indulges in his poor understanding of christianity
many such cases

I really really liked Ann Rice’s “Memnoch the Devil”. Great book about when Lestat, the vampire, meets satan and talks with him.

Kys baby eater

Okay toothpaste enlighten me about the genius of Satan's characterization.

the sad irony is that if you wanted to learn something we might have a decent thread, and now we're stuck with antichristian #8237510. carry on tho memeflag i'm sure this won't just be another circlejerk

He's never referred to as dawn bringer. That's people inserting him into Isaiah when the passage is actually about the king of Babylon. He's never called an archangel. That only arose much later. Pride is an excessively high opinion of yourself. Satan thinks more of himself than he is - God is worthy of all praise, so it can't be excessive. Genesis and the Adam and Eve story predates all Greek mythology.
But please, get it wrong some more.

"Satan" is just the jewish gods scapegoat. It's funny that Christians cant understand this. Just more evidence that christians are completely jewed.

Their concept of "Satan" was an amalgam of whatever deities kikes have demonized over the centuries.

why artists do this?
all the time taken to detail this picture then put scribbles all over the wings?


OP just got fucking MOGGED

>if you dont worship king jew then you're not allowed to say anything about his cult
>i dont care if its factual, you worship king jew or you shut yer mouth!!
Stupid faggot...

that's not what i said tho mr impotent rage

Nigger have you even read the books after genesis? He gets more character development but it wasn’t much I mean he’s the worlds biggest tranny rebel what else is there to do?

Naw, if you know how to read Revelations, you'd know Freemasonry and occultism, the Kabbala is the enemy, a belief system. Not something so simple as muh Satan. That's wtf you nigger Masons push on us in spite of it not being true. If we quote our own religion to you, you Masons and kikes scream schizo.

Jews made up a stupid half assed religion based on the Canaanite religion and Zoroastrianism.

A mexican Freemason told me the other day that Jesus was really Lucifer. That they wuz the same fella. So I asked him why his Jew masters had to kill Jesus and Lucifer like that. Still no answer. Do you know?

The lighting is done terribly. This piece only works because the artist knows about proportians. Everything else is off.



Once the existence of God is established, it is only logical that anything created beneath Him will be considered less than Him and inevitably much of that creation will be characterized as opposed to Him. As above, so below.

It is actually such a shitty predicament we live in.

Imagine you write a story but your protagonist is such a pussy dumbfuck, that a villain you created to help him grow and move the story on just dominates the world, unchallenged.

The shit is so fucked up that you have to micromanage all this bullshit and in the end write yourself in just to try and fix things. And then, of course pretend that all this was planned from the beginning. Doesn't make the story less shitty though.

You want disclosure? Fear what you wish for. There will be so many suicides that the pandemic will become a joke. The world will stop making sense beyond your wildest dreams, and then it will make sense again, but will lose all your motivation to live or do anything. Death will be welcomed just to make you forget. Because while everything makes sense, but not to you. You are just being in a wrong context.

That has happened many times before. Civilizations ruined with the knowledge of the true nature of this world. I only live because I'm being physically prevented from commiting suicide, but I have no more interest in this life.

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Here's where the Freegaysons, Scientologoys and Jews completely ignore wtf I said because in their hearts they are stupid, dumb cowards.

Life is good, the world is not.

They will just pretend I didn't say the shit I said. It's how cowards operate.
And Jews.

Then you Masons should talk to your fellow Mason, JAcob Rothschild about why you decided to create the world thusly. You are the only people with any power.

xD toothpaste xD

Judas was Jesus' favorite disciple just like Lucifer was God's favorite angel and people still don't get it.

I love when atheists are experts on Christianity lol.
>meme flag

Attached: commie flags losers rebuttal.png (1920x1280, 125.85K)

Narratives change and beings with free will exercise it and later become evil and turn away from God and good and people still don't get it.

expect thread to 404 soon they hate losing narrative on first post

Jewish aka Kenite hands created this post. The Bible warns of these adherents to satan and how they instill doubt and twist the language to distort God’s word.

>meme flag
Naw, he's a fellow judeomasonic shill just like you.

Here's another shill protecting the religion they obviously wanted to push here.

It is the nature of the world to be nourished by malice. It resist life and consumes it if life does not find its way home.

Satan is the light-bringer. Christianity lies and says Satan is evil because they want to prevent humanity from being enlightened. The original sin is eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge. God kills. Satan tries to teach. You decide which is more noble.

>lose narrative
This is their narrative
>trust me I'm an atheist pushing Satanism
You're a shill too.

You're confusing Satan and Lucifer. Two different things. Lucifer is specifically an angel, fallen angel that brings humans knowledge and technology. Satan is the enemy or chastised. An inverted punishing force

Does this justify your Jew worship and race treason in your mind while you incessantly scream these insults at others, judeomason.

What's light for one is darkness for the other.


its over you lost
roe v wade being overturned is just the beginning

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Kek, what insults? You're tripping over yourself.