Euro bro’s the burger conservatives wouldnt actually leave NATO and leave us alone vs Russia, right?

Euro bro’s the burger conservatives wouldnt actually leave NATO and leave us alone vs Russia, right?

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you don't need us

Its fine. After what Putin shows the world, all will want those in power exterminated.
You'll be ok, as long as you didn't take the juice.

I probably will fight for Russia. Nothing of value to fight for.

There's literally no reason except economic arrangements for us to maintain NATO with you. All you do is bitch, insult, and leech. You are horrible, rude, and ungrateful people, all of you. If is wasn't for the EU market and the strategic placement of our bases there, we'd have zero reason to stay.

the only saving grace of France is our nuclear submarines I'm pretty sure Russia could nuke our stockpiles and land launchsite easily

LOL that's a big yes.

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True, mackinder is obsolete. Let russia and germany enslave the non countries again, it’s not my problem

Yes we would. And we will. NATO fags fuck off, also go Russia and China.

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I ain’t getting vaccinated to fight in Europe man sorry

Retard. Never post again lol

depends on the circumstances
I'd rather help you be in a position so that you're self-determined, nordic states should really up their ties together

Our country is run by jews. Jews are known for stabbing people in the back.

You realize the guy who keeps the launch codes was indicted in their own court systems for corruption, and the whole country is mired with graft where a military overseer will pocket thousands of dollars annually that go towards upkeep of the military, right? Odds are, nothing they keep is maintained to operate. I'm not aware myself, but, make an effort to see the last time Russia tested a nuke. Look at how much money they have to spend in defense budget in actual dollars vs the US and consider how much of our money goes toward upkeep. Now consider that Russia's defense industry budget is suppose to cover MORE missiles. It doesn't make sense to fear them.

qrd? is the occupation finally ending? Will they pull out peacefully or we have to kick them out?

Commonwealth: the Rebuttal

Imagine thinking America could resist minding its own business and not wanting a chance to try out their new shiny weapons... paid for with trillions or tax dollars of course.

That would be the best case scenario dumbass.

Dont even...
If I live to see it I will know when I diedd I ended up in the good univeoaka heaven after all!

>and the whole country is mired with graft where a military overseer will pocket thousands of dollars annually that go towards upkeep of the military, right?
are you talking about us or russia?


As in NOT in Yes we don't want to fight your battles