Influencers are brainwashing thousands of zoomers, every big internet personality is a leftie...

influencers are brainwashing thousands of zoomers, every big internet personality is a leftie, there is no future for right wingers.

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don't care lol, even animals and ancient humans are smarter about breeding

Just give these women retard care or whatever you put for these 50 iq imbeciles

What the fuck is even "autonomy over your own body"?
You're not allowed to ingest certain things
You're not allowed to perform certain actions
You're not allowed to not perform certain actions
Society has laws, and those laws restrict the "autonomy over your own body".


Lieing to children backfires when they grow up

>there is no future for right wingers
This is ultimately their own fault. Most of their beliefs are self-defeating in nature.

Muh body muh choice has always been the dumbest abortion argument possible.

Suicide is illegal, but killing babies was not, ponder that.

asmon is a known grifter
he just wants to have edgy and loud opinions and will occasionally go from left to right and vice versa, depending on whatever will cause the biggest reaction
the guy is a sociopath

weimar is about to collapse, sit back and enjoy the show

what a stupid bait op sage

was this guy also in favor a vaccine mandates/passports?

your unborn fetus is not part of your body, roastie.
so you have absolutely zero rights on it.

Bodily autonomy is overrated

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A year ago this post would have been considered a right-wing conspiracy.

It seems like whores already don't have autonomy over their own bodies. They are literally unable not to fuck and suck every man they see.

He's right tho.
How can one claim to have "autonomy over her own body" if she can't even keep her legs shut?

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People laugh at his self-accepted degen behavior but it's fucked up.
I don't like the guy

If you tripped a pregnant woman and you killed the baby in her stomach its manslaughter. If she tripped and killed the baby it’s rights. Both scenarios you’re the father.

He's not a lefty. He just enjoys getting his dick wet, unlike you.

the only freedom that you can fall back on is being a nigger

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That’s the point. Why is weed still illegal? Why is vaccination mandated? People are so dumb. They can’t even read a tweet anymore.

An excellent point. Those jabs should be banned, too.

There will be a backlash. I grew up in communism, where everyone had to have the same opinion. Sometime we grew tired of it and threw them out.
Teenagers want to be edgy, that's a natural law. At the point where this becomes the new normal, they start to turn 180 deg.

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The future of the "right wing" in America is poor, brown and violent.

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says the faggot that wants mandatory masks and vaccines

Im a micro influencer and tried soft redpilling zoomers using fitness, less video games, healthy eating, no porn etc but eventually those threatened by my growth just kept calling me a nazi and took some out of context quotes laughing at a libshit and soft cancelled me. My growth has been dead for years now because of it. But I didn't go away either. Problem is I can't be based but at the same time I get called a nazi daily for just basic hygiene and Liberal freedom based takes. I'm not a political influencer but I'm kind of stumped what to do from here. Half my audience who are Americans expect me to be talking about current issues and having a brainwashed zog drone take and I lose followers because I try to ignore it. Sucks ass desu.

This is your brain on low IQ. Turns out the real world is not black and white, right or left, each issue can be considered and argued for individually on their own merits, which he often does.

He was much more consistent in the past, but two things happened.
1. He sniffed a pussy and has been brain damaged ever since.
2. He became friends with genuine grifters and retards, who all moved to his city and encouraged him to also act like a grifter and be retarded.

Something whores should think about the unborn they have murdered for decades.

My body my choice. No mandatory gene therapy for a cold virus, that has a survival rate of 99.99999% and that does not stop the spread or protect anyone else.

You cannot be serious.

You're the dumb one here.

>I don't want to have a kid
Don't have sex
>I want to have sex tho
Take contraceptives, it's that easy

>when they agree with me they are telling the truth
>when they disagree they are grifting
Please graduate highschool before you post here

>He's ignoring they want to ban contraceptives next
Retard frenchie. Stick

Do not allow yourself to be demoralized.
You are being tested.

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>t. asmon dicksucking fanboy
he makes money out of retards like yourself

the only point they can make is if someone violates your bodily autonomy via rape. everything else is a matter of choices and self-control. want to be able to abort unborn children? move to a state where it is legal. don't want to have kids? literally don't have sex.

god damn children in adult bodies should abort themselves holy shit

They're also Kikes, the only ones who are allowed to be 'influences'. Lets hope they all took the juice.

>I want to have freedom
>Then take the jab, it's not your choice, chap

>just move
Yeah that only works for the rich people retard. These abortion laws only hurt Lowe income women


You have the whitest ID I've ever seen

What the fuck are you talking about schizto

this guy went from kinda based to cucky. it's because he's a multi-millionaire that is STILL unable to get pussy, and he thinks doing performative shit like this will. he doesn't understand people will always view him as the unhygenic sperg because of his reputation no matter how "palatable" he tries to become.

shills are not serious, they try to confuse and seed uncertainty since they perfectly know that their arguments are weaker.
If you're philosophically weaker the only thing that you can do is confuse your enemy, and that's what jews do.

Your hypocrisy.

so how are these low income people living in their state with no money? how are they getting to work? paying rent? just fucking save some money and move, god damn.

I'm not pro vax. Please take your meds and stick to German politics. Because obviously you're way to retarded to speak on this subject

>you live in Alabama and want an abortion? Move to expensive ass California problem solved
You are aware the cost of living changes state by state, right retard?

>Im a micro influencer
get a real job

why are you so upset newfag?

You should hump less BBC, Tiffany.

somehow people live on shitty amounts of money in those states, and not all of california is buttrape expensive. no, you can't get a malibu beach home on minimum wage. and why don't you help out your suffering sisters? help them move to and live in your states so they can have bodily autonomy.

>you're upset for calling someone whos being retarded
>new fag
KEK yeah I'm the new fag. Kys

>fuck your own life up
>life gets harder
Oh no, who saw this coming!?

>He's ignoring they want to ban contraceptives next
Wake me up when they ban contraceptives then
Until then fuck off nigger

I have no idea who this faggot is, nor do I care.

lol not even 100k HAHAHAHAHA

Retard, look at the minimum wage for Alabama and California. Now loom at the price of housing. You're actually fucking retarded. I'd expect this ignorance from a foreigner bur how do you not know this simple fact?
>be poor in Alabama
>move to California
>even mire poor now

>i'm the newfag?!
>uhhh no YOU ARE

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Is he "pro choice" or an anti-vax i can't tell

The discussion is about rape retard. Not the pregnant woman's fault in this case. Keep up
This is the first time they've ever reversed a SCOTUS decision frenchie. This opens the flood gates for many other things to get reversed
eat my cock faggot