American Civil War

Would you fight in a new American civil war? How would it make you feel? Excited? Horrified? Would you flee locally or even to another country? Would you go innawoods?

Attached: delusional.jpg (720x720, 124.8K)

Mostly just your mom's fat ass and recoil

Well hold on now, you need radios too. Rifles and Radios.

Someone post the screenshot

What is Afghanistan

It's funny, how you assume in picrel that the people who literally live here will fight their own people...all it takes is a couple of defectors...


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>Would you fight in a new American civil war?

Remember when Ukraine didn't devolve into a guerilla tactics quagmire?
>just use a $2million weapon on a jet that burns $10,000 in fuel every 5 mins to kill a guy with a shotgun

I would shit my pants

>civil war in the modern era
>conventional warfare

If it was organized enough I'd join a militia and probably get domed by a tubby weekend warrior while I was pissing in the woods or something. If I survive, I'd collect the benefits of being on the winning side and live out the rest of my days with a girl I'd eventually meet. If it was a massive clusterfuck, I'd just scavenge. I'm not the most noble man in the world. I know wrong from right, but I know what my flaws and limits are. I'd fight for the rebels (right) and hopefully survive. That's all I can say, I suppose.

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Why did the fighter jets lose to a handful of goatfuckers?

Attached: __akemi_homura_kaname_madoka_miki_sayaka_and_tomoe_mami_mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica_and_2_more_drawn_by_shingyouji_tatsuya__7a4fe67c00b67a24a29f94c3466c28e3.jpg (737x738, 489.55K)

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i am summoned

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Attached: red team planner redpills.png (1158x1393, 136.95K)

It's inevitable. Peaceful solutions were attempted, internal solutions were attempted, but the divide is too wide and (((external forces))) are ensuring it. Now it has to be fought. So I'd say resignation is my feeling.

I'm glad you have it, I couldn't find it

The picture is just a meme, retards. It's bait for both sides because leftists believe that the government is team blue, basically, even when a Democrat isn't in power, so it subtly implies "we have the guns," kek

Attached: it's ok to be white.jpg (1200x822, 59.83K)

here's a slightly better resolution

Attached: marine grunt in okinawa has some enlightening information.jpg (872x886, 242.01K)

>there will ever be a moment in time where American fighter jets will drop napalm and hellfire missiles on it's citizens and not get obliterated by the rest of the world alongside humankind itself
Do American communists really believe this?

The first thing I would do is kill some mexicans and latino trash. Fuck these people.

3 weeks to take Baghdad, 20 years to lose both wars and be utterly humiliated on the way out.

>You couldn't overthrow the government with AR-15s
>Jan 6th was an insurrection

200 million armed citizens v 500,thousand military, most of which are niggers, trannys and faggots.

"Country over there, versus my country" distinction.

ok, but what would you do?

did you guys even read the thread?

>the government will leverage extreme power to kill us if we disagree
>therefore comply
Dunno, troon cap'n, probably not gonna side with kiddie groomers, castrated un-males, and your commie bullshit.

When do you think it will happen?

Would anyone in Britain fight for one side or the other? I met an English guy who claimed he tried to volunteer to fight for Ukraine.

enjoy having a guerrila like war with white people armed and trained.
we're not talking about low iq goat fucker

Neither Iraq or Afghanistan were victories. Iraq no longer exists and Afghanistan belongs to Afghans again. Those are the two options for America. Cease existence or return to the people.

It’s the same thing

Surface to air missiles must be handed to trusted militias as soon as possible

>is coffee make you feel how, bros?

Much better.

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