Democratic Party 12D Chess

>Anthony Kennedy retires during Trump Presidency
>Trump appoints 3 conservative anti-roe justices in 2 years
>Fast forward 2022
>Midterms right around the corner
>Supreme court decides to overturn Roe v. Wade NOW
>Surprised when a lot of Americans are opposed to this decision

>Mfw Republicans have literally played right into the Democrats' hands
>Mfw Democratic supermajority in the House and Senate by the end of this year
>Mfw Roe codified before 2025

Attached: Cucked by Pelosi.png (680x515, 416.4K)

>mfw when rich liberals somehow think everyone can ignore 6 dollar a gallon gas and food shortages CUZ BABY MURDER RIGHTS

lol voter fag thinks voting matters

>mfw abortion isn't even banned, in a technical sense. And the places where it will continue to be perfectly acceptable are the ones kevetching the most.

we still have a little less than 4 months until the election cycle, I'd be willing to bet biden/congress can work out a solution to gas prices by then, and then its just the issue of recession vs abortion

>he thinks abortions are more important than guns to Americans
Nice fantasy fantasy post summerfag

Attached: 1597556932740.gif (377x372, 3.46M)

except americans generally don't care about the issue as much of other shit like inflation

>can't remember to take birth control
>can remember to vote
Yeah likely

Dems have had majorities multiple times since Clinton, and probably before. They could've made it law any of those times.
Laws are made by lawmakers, not judges. No more legislating from the bench.

It’s an issue for the states.

>can work out a solution to gas prices by then
you have to be over 18 to post here, sweatie

I've got one that can see

Attached: they live see.jpg (1280x546, 108.07K)

these are two different types of issues.

inflation is a general evil, and both parties will argue about the best way to remedy it, however despite their best efforts there isn't a single fix

abortion is not a general evil. the disagreement is about whether or not it is a problem at all. the problem could be remedied by either side with one piece of legislation (an amendment). in this case, it is a very simple issue for voters to vote on.

I think a general knowledge of how congress works should be a requirement to argue about the politics of the federal government.

>>Surprised when a lot of Americans are opposed to this decision


Record inflation, Russia threatening Nuclear war, China fucking us in the ass economically and geopolitically, and these fucking heebs lean on abortion and gun control as the midterm talking points

I think you'll find many nicotine addicted Dems jumping ship very soon. They don't give a fuck about this, but you are fucking with their precious cigs.

the issue is, most issues in american politics are intangible. you can't see a direct negative effect of our support for ukraine or foreign policy surrounding china. inflation itself isn't a political issue to take a side on, both parties are "anti-inflation". gun control and abortion are tangible in the lives of americans.

Your forgetting 20 red states already had trigger laws making Abortion illegal hence further nullifying any future supreme court changes.

Here's how Hillary can still win

Democrats are not anti-inflation and being the one's in power they take the blunt of the blame.

>Surprised when a lot of Americans are opposed to this decision
based on who? you?

I specifically said "codify roe" which means that abortion protections under the constitution would be passed by congress as a federal law, nullifying state laws.

Also, you are incorrect. The Supreme Court could at any time change their decision on this issue, and declare these laws unconstitutional by judicial review. This is what happened to red state laws the first time Roe v. Wade was decided.

Is cod roe even good?

this is the dumbest take I've ever heard. there is no way you can believe that the democratic party benefits from ruining the economy while they have the presidency.

then why are they doing it?

Even your spic useful idiots are turning against the Democrats. The only people that will vote Democrat are faggots, trannys, jews, and niggers.

Sweet concern trolling, but ya no lmao

What has actually happened is another opportunity for voter fraud. The US has been polarized. Roe vs Wade supporters will now vote Democrat. Anyone upset about the gas prices and economy will now vote Republican. The people who sit in between are minimal but there’s enough for fake votes to be deposited and skew the actual count of the votes.

Man the democrats are gonna win the deep blue states SUPER hard this time!

the solution is something no one is going to do
it's drop the sanctions on Russia and accept that they're going to annex the half of Ukraine they've really been after since the start

>>Anthony Kennedy retires during Trump Presidency
>>Trump appoints 3 conservative anti-roe justices in 2 years
>>Fast forward 2022
>>Midterms right around the corner
>>Supreme court decides to overturn Roe v. Wade NOW
>>Surprised when a lot of Americans are opposed to this decision
>>Mfw Republicans have literally played right into the Democrats' hands
>>Mfw Democratic supermajority in the House and Senate by the end of this year
>>Mfw Roe codified before 2025
cope fantasy and mental dialation the post, kek

$7 gas
$10 bread
$15 toilet paper
$No baby formula$
Democrats controlled Congress and Democrat President btw