Just to get this straight once and for all, let’s say, just for the sake of argument...

Just to get this straight once and for all, let’s say, just for the sake of argument, your 13 year old daughter of pristine Evropean ancestry is raped and fertilized by Quontavious………you’re really gonna make her have the baby? You’re really not gonna fly her to a blue state for an abortion on the down low? For real? I think you’re a lying sack of shit.

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I'm gonna rape your dead grandmother's corpse tranny nigger lover

I would kill the nigger and then my daughter

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How bout start protecting your women and stop worshipping niggers

It's called have more than 1 faggot. Disown the slut and show the rest of the family see what happens when you literally fuck around


That would be honour killing time

Kill the nigger and kill the nigger parasite in her.
Niggers aren't human so this law doesn't apply to them.

Ummm cool, you are still paying for her through your tax dollars and she gets subsidized housing too.

>time to make an example

My 13 year old daughter will never EVER be in a situation where she is alone with a black.

Has any state said they want to ban abortions for rape victims ??

>one more moron who thinks the ruling banned abortions

Obviously this, considering the OP is advocating murder.

Kill two niggers to account for the increase, then sell the child to slavery.

A bunch of them did today. Lmao

Shut up, kike, my daughter's don't like your smell nigger golem and carry guns

All fields this heeb faggot

I'm just going to make it very clear to my kids that if they betray our race they will lose their lives for it. And they will.

Also bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks @@@@

Lol wait til College. Probably happen before then honestly.

If my daughters raped by a nigger her baby isnt going to be my problem, I will either be dead or in prison for lighting up every nigger I see.

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Yes, we will. Life is tough, brutal and short. Good times make weak men, but hard times make strong men. Besides, maybe she was being slutty and should be put down anyway. Sluts get what they deserve.

SPBP and only correct response ITT. Pack it up boys.


I do not care one way or another about abortion. Its the lefty tears that I enjoy.

i dont have a daughter and if i did she certainly wouldn't be around anyone who would rape her because i am accountable for my actions unlike women who support abortion based murder.

fuck off my board you tourist fag.

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You can imagine any amount of scenarios to absurdify any situation, it's not really a point proven. Of the myriad of people out there, very few will suffer this fate. I'd personally kill the rapist and raise the child myself, taking it from my daughter after it's born, with her being involved only so much as to be a mother but otherwise getting on with her life. No big deal. And very, very unlikely. I'm more likely to be hit by a truck falling out of the sky. And that's not worth sacrificing to Moloch in the millions for.

Not man enough to pick up a free American weapons system and genocide tween mudslime girls at haffa gate? Not pretty enough to be an IDF propaganda model, so they stuck your ugly neanderthal kike vampire ass in the Bangladeshi computer room closet with the other scary yenta? Mom must be sooooo proud. Cope, seethe, pick up a phone, and dial 8.

You will NEVER be White. You will NEVER be God's chosen. Kill a chicken and drink its blood, you smelly semite dunecoon Canaanite NIGGER.