This is your doing. It’s only going to get worse. You have no idea how fucked things are going to get

This is your doing. It’s only going to get worse. You have no idea how fucked things are going to get

Attached: Violence .png (828x516, 101.41K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm not sorry. And I'm Canadian, bitch.


i'm just tired of waiting, make it happen already

Good. Get off the fucking road, how hard is that to understand.

A truck of peace.

ok, and?

A pro abortion protest is not peaceful

Then abolish sars.

How many more peaceful protestors will die before we have common sense truck control?


Um, good?


Attached: e02e5ffb5f980cd8262cf7f0ae00a4a9_press-x-to-doubt-memes-memesuper-la-noire-doubt-meme_419-238.jpg (800x450, 27.85K)

Bro i'm scared for my life. my pregnant neighbor just ripped out her fetus and flung it at me cause I asked when she was due. Why the fuck did roe v wade get repealed?

We need to ban semi automatic assault vehicles.

they got aborted



happening live stream they are driving looking for protest, she has vowed to finally get revenge by running over abortionists

Just a clump of protesters.

Let me guess. The "peaceful protesters" jumped on their car and attacked them and the guy drove off. When can we start gassing verified Twitter members??

"Part and parcel"

Pieceful as in the truck is full of pieces. Faggots tongue nigger anuses fuck off.

Is this the liberal version of the, "If only you knew how bad things really were" meme?


ISAID om nor the purple



Late term abortions

The second civil war will be fought over the legitimacy of abortions and the feds role in them
>People are divided
>People are already killing each other over their views of it
>Red vs Blue states
Screencap this but I'm pretty sure it'll happen this way, although I do not know the road there or the outcome

They won't do shit. Will seethe for a night before moving onto the next normie thing.


Attached: 87361ED9-C350-410B-BA54-DC813780E803.jpg (540x675, 50.41K)

How do you get clumps of cells off your bumper?

Nah it'll become a huge travel industry for blue states.

All vehicle with high capacity fuel tanks. There is no reason anyone should have a tank bigger than 10 liters.

That chick has no business being that hot

executing murderers

Peaceful pro-murder advocates?

All of them

Cleaning the house. Good work.

the demonic maniacs were protesting the pro abortion rally.
they deserved it

It's not going to be abortions. Gay marriage/relationships will be the final trigger.
But you are right, this is very good, US is genuinenly moving towards a civil conflict.
It's funny though, this escalation came out of nowhere in perhaps the best possible timing for maximum chaos.

if God is with us who could defeat us?

Sounds like the person in the truck performed 2 late-term abortions. If only they had driven it into the capital with explosives in it instead.

Attached: 1618840866339.jpg (500x704, 34.33K)

[spoiler]People haven't realized that this conflict is staged so the elites can cover their tracks during the impending economic collapse[/spoiler]

wew lad

yeah except she's lying (of course) and there's video proving it

It was a truck of peace.

Or it was meant for the right to believe in the election process again and ignore next rigged election.

>peaceful protesters
Last I heard that was every major city in the US burning for months on end