To All Women

Just stop having sex, its not that hard.
Stop getting pregnant and killing babies for your sin of lust, cause your just committing the sin of murder as well.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Stop having sex
what else are they good for

>stop having sex
Incels on this board such as yourself love pretending like you don’t spend every night depressed and crying because you DON’T get sex. Sorry not sorry.

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Well then don't complain when you get pregnant then. That's a choice you made.

If having a kid is such a giant obstacle in your life than get your fucking tubes tied.

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>yet another (supposed) woman uses her one and only real use as a way to shame some random dude cuz they lost their right to be mommy-murderer
women are so fucked up

cinnamon rollsxmijkd

I love being a lesbian and having all the lesbian sex I want without fear of contracting disease or pregnancy

Men are worthless disgusting animals and straight women are idiots lmao

This. Kek

to all men
Just start having empathy, its not that hard.
Stop being and incel and buying guns for your toxic masculinity, because you're just a small dicked loser

Based leaf

yeah right, nothing happens if you just reduce how much sex you have. Imagine being such a whore your entire existence revolves around being creampied every day like this >I will literally spend every night depressed because I don't get the sex
wtf is wrong with women?

>refuse to use condoms
>refuse to take the pill
>refuse to take morning after pill
>refuse to get tubal ligation
You get what you fucking deserve.

you know they are using subliminal mind control coupled with Pavlovian classical conditioning to "force" your women into having sex with whatever males (((they))) WANT, right?

Not only are your gate students being targeted with this classified shit, your women are now as well....

and soon, every single human organism on the planet simultaniously.

and you cowards don't even shield yourself from electromagnetic radiation.

>and you cowards don't even shield yourself from electromagnetic radiation.


I mean just masturbate if your not ready to take care of a child, murdering an unborn fetus just because its not convenient for you is wrong.

So, let me get this straight...

not only do you KNOW FOR A FACT that mind control technology exists...

but you will kill any member of your own nation that attempts to protect themselves from your enemy nations mind control technology, that they stole from YOU, and are USING ON YOUR FUCKING CITIZENS?

So, if an American citizen learns that he is being mind controlled by, lets say.... china....

The US Intelligence Agencies, Law Enforcement Agencies, Department of Justice, FBI, CIA, NSA, DHS, etc......

will attempt to KILL this United States Citizen, because they are *AWARE* of the technology Israel stole and sold to your enemy, and is now using against your own citizens?

because it's "classified"

and they don't have a "need to know"

except of course for the stolen gun aimed at their head from the age of 6 orbits around the fucking sun.

eh, i got over it lol. feels nice and comfy.

Nice bait....

Have sex.... I mean.... don't have sex....

I mean...

Rub one out you weak cunt.

if you don't want kids, stop inviting them into your womb.

The sense is wasted my dude, just eat he snozberries and stfu and dont say that shit to anyone...

I for one don't want to have sex with you.

hospitality, ha know?

and they were invited by the position of your legs.

hint, hint, hint.


Just heard two women talking that since they can't have abortions anymore, they will settle for child support instead.

One of them said it's actually better that way.

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were you raped?

Well over 40% of women agree with you,
You fell for the leftist marketing agenda

Rolling to see if I need to get another wife


To be fair, doctors can be picky with letting female patients get their tubes tied. They need their husband's permission, and if they're not married the doctor might deny it. All other forms of contraception have a chance of failing. You can do everything right and still get pregnant, unfortunately. Thankfully I can't get laid so I don't have to worry about this.