Why are Indian Americans so rich and smart?

Why are Indian Americans so rich and smart?

Attached: 1655707084224.jpg (1080x1059, 210.7K)

Other urls found in this thread:

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wealth_and_religion#:~:text=Amongst Jews, in 2016, Modern,income of $59,000 in 2016).

Because the top 1% of a country with a billion people is smarter than the average white person.

where are jews?

Interesting how "Asian-American" isn't on this list. Gee, I wonder what the message is with this omission.

Because almost all white Americans are a mix of multiple different European ethnicities so it's not like you can list the European American stats the same way they do the Asians

Diversity hires in the tech industry

Ding ding ding.
I can't explain to the director below me to never hire women, obese, or darker than a paper bag. I have to use subtleties which he doesn't always pick up on. Then I go on paternity for 6 weeks and he let 7 curry munching retards in the door that all need to be slowly moved back to their shithole.

>Diversity hires in the tech industry
>tech industry

Try nursing you stupid leaf

Attached: Skinny girl.webm (480x480, 1.96M)

Why do you all smell so bad? Just being in the same room as one of you makes my clothes stink

helicopter parenting and a strong desire to break out of generational poverty. black/hispanics are america-poor, not third-world poor. they still think they're entitled to shit that they don't have to work hard for
brown people are not diversity hires. they're cheap hires. H1B hires will cost a company way less than a half-wit american citizen

That has nothing to do with omitting the Asian American average. Hell, they put the "average American" average, despite the breakdown of other groups being already listed -- so why don't they do the same with the Asian ones?

Lot of desi niggers rob the people and run to UK and USA.
I bet they are even richer in UK.

Yes, it's Moshe Shekelbergenstein up to his antics again. I'm gonna tell him to knock it off.


Why doesn't that work for the other races with higher iqs?

Taiwan has one of the highest recorded iqs. If the top 1% of Taiwan comes to the US, wouldn't they be outsmarting Indians? India's IQ is like 85, collectively.

If population size is the issue because in a larger population, you are bound to get more geniuses, then why doesn't that hold true for the Chinese?

Attached: IndianAmericansHighIqEvenHigherIncome.png (1362x1304, 168.14K)

holy wh*toid cope

asians and pajeets aren't diversity hires; we're discriminated more in affirmative action than whites

>Indian IQ is like 82.

Keep believing such bullshit my low IQ amerinigger.
Truth is when provided euqal opportunity, nutrition and environment Indian perform better than ameriniggers. Even the Indian slums have more high iq kids % wise than in UK.


They leave their genetic detritus back on the subcontinent. And don't take jobs outside of healthcare, finance and tech.

They're more likely to be in high cost of living states, ergo they're paid more but lower purchasing power

Keep on with your nutrition meme
Indians do terrible unless it's the top 1%, so India is begetting brain drained and has no future

Just proved that Indians have low IQ with this comment

WERE ALL MOVING TO /nein/ chan dot com

Trannie mods here are starting to delet threads documenting damage done by Antifa were all getting /comfy/ on nein dumping all evidence of crimes.

# # #

Glaring omission
>Amongst Jews, in 2016, Modern Orthodox Jews had a median household income of $158,000, while Open Orthodoxy Jews had a median household income of $185,000 (compared to the American median household income of $59,000 in 2016).
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wealth_and_religion#:~:text=Amongst Jews, in 2016, Modern,income of $59,000 in 2016).

Ascended past mortal list

Attached: Drake wow.gif (200x200, 453.27K)

What do you think "alone" stands for?

Good morning sir reminder to poo in the loo

hidden. Or worse some recent stats show something around 80k, which is completely wrong... just imagine how much a guy like zuckember wouldn't pull the average up.. I've seen in old stats 180k

Because of alternative organelles.

Quintessential scammers that ruin any position they take and reduce it to Indian standards in the process extracting as much money as possible

Why does Bolsonaro bow down to the Jew?

they're still 1st gen
>from A-shirt to A-shirt [aka blue collar] in 3 gens
1st gen comes here, busts ass, works ungodly hours, wears a wife-beater, saves $, sends kid to college
2nd gen kid goes to college, white collar, a bit more blasé, feels entitled
3rd gen drops out of college, forgets the face of his ancestors, back to wearing wife-beaters, tats & piercings
>also: where are the jews?

Attached: carl wifebeater.jpg (600x450, 41.09K)


Don't be an idiot, it's obvious that Indians are retarded. Brazilians too. But at least we're smart enough to know that average doesn't mean anything individually.

That chart is fake. The median household income in the US is ~$33k.

>Median household income
Top 1% of their country
10 Indians in a 1 bedroom
Anti-white hiring laws in place
>Bachelor's Degree
Top 1% of their country
Scam "degrees" from their diploma mills back home
Massive cheating networks in western schools

That's it. Any other explanation is poojeet lies.

because that´s household income and 20 pajeets live in the same house

Becasue its what you call colonialism 2.0 where the last resource that can be harvested from the lands of the colonized are those amongst the top of the wealth and intellectual distribution of those nations.