The democrats are just going to ignore the supreme court and go keep roe v wade anyways

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I mean states can still keep it legal it's just now not considered unconstitutional to make it illegal

Isn't that insurection?

yes but why does it matter? the constitution is a dead letter

it has happened before actually. andrew jackson ignored supreme court rulings. the army is controlled by the executive branch so the supreme court cant enforce any of their rulings anyway. might makes right

doesnt matter if the democrat party just enforces it everywhere using the executive branch

Insurrection is a good thing when a Democrat calls for it.

When the Steele Dossier Conspiracy Theorists of the J6 panel being false evidence and testimoy while missing any all evidence what would show any innocence.

The J6 Committee refuses to allow anyone who would provide any evidence or testimony that would refute their claims.

The Steele Dossier Conspiracy Theorists do the same thing with the 2020 Elections, they just ignore evidence and facts when it does suit them, yet they tell us to Trust the Science and purchase dangerous and untested products that were hastily mass produced in a fit of hysteria without any investigation into "Covid" or else they lose their jobs.

The Progressives and Social Media outlets were financially compensated for silencing anyone that said negative things about the vaccine or climate change or any narrative really.

Democrats do not believe in debate anymore. At lease the more vocal and more israel\ccp\wef\foreign ones that destroy America for their own private little clubs benefit.

The DNC and woke establishment and DoJ\DoD\Pentagon in America supports all insurrection, terrorism, fraud, treason, false information and hoaxes, and of course false charges IF they benefit the DNC.

If a GoP member looks a member of the Capitol, Nancy Pelosi has them kidnapped, tortured and murdered, with corrupt\missing evidence and some without a trial.

Straight into jail to die, all because Nancy Pelosi failed in her sworn duties to protect the capitol according to her own testimony.

She failed to ask for help, she failed at every opportunity, and it was on purpose. CHP were welcoming Antifa dressed as Maga, and Maga tried to stop it.

Just like 9/11, camers recorded only what they wanted the public to see, and edited any footage immediately that shows Pelosi\Milley\Antifa committing the crimes, that they are now allowing the DNC just because thy disagree with a branch of goverment.

Arrest AOC.

was going to bring this up, the supreme court doesn't mean anything because even the US marshals are controlled by the executive via the attorney general so the only thing the supreme court controls is the suprme court police but even they get their budget not from the supreme court but the legislative and the exectuvie can just stall and withhold funds for it and the supreme court itself and can even forbid it from meeting using it's post 9/11 executive powers

>executive branch
and what army? lmao. lol even.

Irrelevant. Most red states will now ban it regardless of what talking head says.

From earlier today

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no one is illegitimate

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The army is under the executive as commander in chief...retard

You mean the army that he cut in half with his vax mandate... kek. I'm sure there aren't any disgruntled veterans in the suburbs/rural towns/etc. Kek. Keep pushing... retard faggot nigger.

War now

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er the thread i linked has the thing about the west coast breakaway thing. Keep in mind this was a qtard theory back in 2019-2020

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>talking head
dude the president of the united states whois the commander in chief, the attorney general, the speaker of the house, the vice president and more are literally saying they don't give a fuck and accumulatively control basically every important position of government, the supreme court won't do shit just like when andrew jackson ignored their rulings

the president is the commander in chief of the armed forces. anything else beyond that exists only in your head. your politics is headcanon. which is insane btw

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>cut in half
are you demented? the only branch that was effected by the vax policy was the marine corps and even then over 80% of marines took it anyways

presidential authority means nothing today, and you jews conveniently provided the precedent. Mattis told Trump to take a hike when the order was given to pull US troops out of Syria (illegal, undeclared war)

first you imply the commander in chief doesn't control the army then you move the goalpost to "but the army is ineffective", you're delusional

If you really believe the official numbers, then you're more of a bong than even your kike masters could have hoped for. Unless, of course, you are a kike yourself, projecting your own mental deficiencies upon me in a pathetic, semitic attempt to gaslight me.


>you jews
you're the jew actually and you're also trans so nice try shlomo

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No, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr literally does not control the militrary. He is a meat popsicle with no authority outside of his own adult diaper.

you're literally jewish

he does. the president is the commander in chief of the armed forces.

presidential authority is everything since 9/11, the president can literally arrest, detain and execute people without trial using the same legal precedents they used to justify the execution of Anwar Nasser al-Awlaki, you just don't see it

no you are actually nice try

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>believe the official numbers
then what numbers should i believe? show me

we now just need the supreme court to declare abortion unconstitutional (and contraception)

his numbers. its like i said. people like this have political headcanon. what you should believe is what he has internalized to be true.

de jure he does and this is a fact but de facto obviously his handlers control it but at the end of the day it's his signature and name at the bottom of every decree

Nope, illegitimate. Over half the country even knows it.
presidential authority in 2022 means about as much as King George's authority in 1775
You're both jews just arguing with baseless pilpul. I am right because I know I have the ability to bring violent force against you, and to bring you to heel.

There's no edict to ignore. It just says that the constitution doesn't guarantee it. The ruling does not declare abortion illegal

>The adult in me weeps for the death of a once great nation
>But the kid in me salivates at the very real prospect of straight-up ultraviolence!

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if the democrat party, president, speaker of the house, vice president and attorney general already said they don't give a shit about the court then why would they suddenly give a fuck about this ruling?

Biden is the commander in chief of the armed forces.

negative, he is a meat popsicle