American Balkanization

Now that the constitutional right to abortions has been eliminated, and laws are going back to the states, there's a very real risk of culture and attitudes further regionalizing as time goes on, which increases the risk of balkanization. There are many other issues, such as the gun issue, which increases the likelihood of balkanization.
We'll look back at the overturning of roe as a historical event which further divided the country - which is a good thing. The sooner America balkanizes, the sooner the world can be free.

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Almost everyone who gets an abortion is either a dumb lefty or nonwhite

Abortion is LITERALLY the best solution to your problem, stupid burger

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is that pic real?

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Not true. Abortion is white genocide. Niggers abort using hammers, someone post that webm

When does she think she will be human?

God please finally.
Stop teasing this shit and just arrange some fucking referendums already.

It's a well documented fact that minorities get WAY more abortions than whites

And obviously, right wing families are less likely to get abortions in general

Abortions are amazingly based

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Bitch should go get an abortion.

yeah it's from outside the supreme court today.

Ok but what states are most minority abortions in?

What species DNA does it have

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I'd love to hear their reasoning why lack of access to healthcare and racism makes niggers kill more babies.

I object to abortions solely on the basis of the potential of subjective experience the fetus. We don't know what we're messing with, and so it is best to air on the side of caution.

i wouldnt call it a risk, you pussy nigger, opportunity is more like it

Christkike world is disgusting and christkikes are monkeys with low IQ.

The white people should die

>Not yet human

But if a guy came and kicked her belly so fucking hard to the point the fetus died he would be judged as having killed the "not-yet-human" KEK

You make a good point, but the relevant point is that this decision pushes the US further toward its inevitable collapse. Death to the Great Satan.

Roasties die in masses let's goooo

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I think the same mexibro, they're saving tons of niggas with this move. Abortion was the way to legally remove some people from the gene pool, this will save a lot of bad offspring that will grow with no love or education to kill our beloved children.

my little girl smiled when she heard my voice and her mother's voice the day she was born. Implies she knew our voices already. I know for a fact that fetuses are human

On the other hand I'm happy cause lefties are not

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>abortions should be allowed even if it means whites get aborted too
supporting abortion as a """""""""right winger""" are for lazy niggers that think the nigger problem will keep itself contained or resolve itself

All of the christkikes are celebrating. They love that their blessed blacks will finally break free of 13%.

based kike acknowledging that she's subhuman

FYI all the large population red states have already created a framework for a paramilitary police force to patrol the us mexico border. The mechanizm started long ago

It's funny I don't even like my country anymore. The best fish tacos I ever had was in Baja along the coast. I was a child but I remember so much good.

Damn I actually feel really bad for kids being raised by dems. I can only imagine what these fucked up people say and do to their kids.

>Not yet humans

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Anyone got the webm of the sheboon trying to hammer her niglet in utero? Because this blows the whole "more niggers" argument out of the water

You're forgetting the second and third order effects of multiple generations being removed further and further from the consequences of their actions while simultaneously facing a massive retirement crisis
Typical uraguayan or however you spell it

The gestating human is inside a monstrous alien host.

I had two boys. I was always grossed out when people referred to my babies as just fetuses. You can feel them flutter and kick inside of you in the early weeks. You can feel when they hiccup. The way this woman dehumanizes the child growing inside of her really fills me with a deep sorrow.

sorrow and then rage