White Egypt

I’m arguing with a black user on discord and need proofs that ancient Egyptians were not black but were pure blooded caucasians. Help?

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you're probably both right. Different dynasties were different races. I think only one was black. I can't remember which though.
Hittites were white and they ruled it for a while.

This, just like Rome, Early rome was "white" (swarthy) and late Rome was a muttified mess

instead of arguing about shit you don't know about, you should spend that energy and time learning.

you're being a petty faggot that's ideologically driven. that's your motivation, really? to be a little bitch that just assumes, "his side" is right instead of finding out yourself? i have no respect for you, you might as well be a nigger in my book. we don't need mindless faggots who blindly parrot talking points, we need wise men with the drive to learn.

unironically, you're a fucking embarrassment.

You're arguing if either of you shitpeasants got to be the construction worker caste at the end of the day.

Ancient Egyptians were Middle Eastern, not white nor black
Hittites were not white, they were swarthy central Anatolians
Early Romans were swarthy meds with a few lighter people. Late Romans were still swarthy meds with a few lighter people + some Celtic slaves, Germanic soldiers and kike merchants.

>I can't remember which though.
It was either the 31th or the 32th
And it was the last one

What is the science for the red dye mummification preparation? Basically you have walls and tablets and then you have skeletons, everyone knows how to tell the difference between a mongoloid, caucazoid, negroid, and austroloid, right?

DNA evidence
If that's not enough, pic related
The Pharoah had niggers and Muslims on his shoes to trample his enemies wherever he walked
There is also hygogliphics depicting the Egyptians using horses to trample hoards of savage niggers

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Aren't those king tuts and he was a club foot inbred? Must be his show flops.

Anatolians pre Greece were not swarthy. They were white. Troy was in Anatolia and Rome is its descendants. There were no swarthy niggerfied people in Rome during the early centuries of its founding.

Only the last dinasty was "white", and that is if you consider white greeks mixed with persians.


*Pre Persia I mean.

Attached: hitlerStoreEgyptJewsMeme-1.jpg (743x716, 537K)

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mummy of Ramses ii

White was Levantines not WE WUZ NORDS N SHIET.

The earlier dynasties were black. Come the later ones they were all white because of intermarriages with the Mediterranean races.
Eventually black and white became brown and golden. And seafaring. Who loves fish sauce and sardines.
So you really can't call Spaniards, Egyptians and Italians white and black because they don't really fit the profile.

Nrazil and australia

Here you go.


Cope some more mutts LOL

Attached: Ancient-Eygptians-were-White.jpg (1071x451, 135.78K)

This is the most boring fucking argument ever. Ancient Egypt got rapped by Nubians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, and a thousand other nations throughout their history. They saw themselves as having redskin.
The Kushites or Nubians (essentially the Sudanese IIRC).

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Sir, I'm a flip. Not a mutt. I just want to give credit to my spaniard frends.