If you only knew how bad things really are

If you only knew how bad things really are...

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how bad is it really in russland

Insufferable IT-faggots are suffering. The rest are fine.

got an important question, I started befriending two good behaved russians and while speaking today they told me that most university students end up working in something totally unrelated to their job, for example the two of them studied economics and out of their whole class only 3 others are working in banks/ investment or something else related to economics, why does this problem exist?

>unrelated to their job
to their studies is what I meant, they gave the example of a student that was the best of their class but ended up working in a beauty salon

In Russia? No, everything is in order in Russia. The ruble is the most strengthening currency this year. Problems are expected in the eurozone and the dollar.

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glad to hear that, wishing you good luck

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In 90s and 00s, "economics and law degree" were viewed as the ones that would bring you the most money. And thing is. It's not exacly a lie. Except for the fact, that most studends didn't give a fuck about studies and soon realized that working with account ledgers is too boring for them.
Nowadays, it's a...."residue" of the past. Inertia if I may. We still have pletny of open positions in finance and law.
Today, "economics and law" are becoming replaced with computer science etc, since....once again people are simply too sure that coding will bring you money.

Btw. Literally writing my "Diploma work" (Not sure how it's called in your countries). Basically in my case a big study and analysys about risk-management of the portfolio. Will work in econ field in the future. Preferably in the IB, brokerage, stock exchange itself etc, but other "economics-related" jobs will suit me fine anyway.

Mutually! I hope we avoid too much trouble.

now it makes more sense, thanks for the explanation, good luck with your work my friend

trouble will always be there but we will make it

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Thanks, Hans.

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>but we will make it
I hope that will do without the old methods.

it's up to the overlords to decide when it comes to that matter, for the meantime they are keeping their cool

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It won't be funny money stock economics anymore.
> It dude from gazprom bank "

Eh. I wouldn't be so sure. Sure, big changes are coming, but we'll come through. If anything, crisis is also and opportunity to see how we can adapt and invent new economic mechanisms. So it equalizes in the end, both positives and negatives.

another bizarre question, what are the best russian cigarettes that are not your average global brand like marlboro camel etc.? they proposed to buy me a carton of whatever I want the next time they are in russia and I don't know what to ask for, something strong but not like belomorkanal

>crisis is also and opportunity
leaving the current financial system is a blessing, when the others will be suffering after the collapse you will be laughing

Чтo зaкaнчивaeшь ecли нe ceкpeт? Финaшкa? Maгy?


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the even bigger overlords, the ones whose name is illegal to mention in a negative way in this happy german land

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Basically I agree with you. I real feel that quants fast trading will go away. And a lot of other pure speculative things. It is a bubble at this point. Only real investments, maybe stocks with long holding time, you get it

Бyдeшь pжaть, нo пapaшнeйшyю чacтнyю хyeтy в Mocквe. B cвoё вpeмя пидopы зaвaлили мeня пo EГЭ нa oбщecтвoзнaнии, ибo cлишкoм дoхyя yмничaл и пиcaл нe "пo yчeбникy". B итoгe нa бюджeт в тoп.вyзы нe пpoхoдил, a дeнeг нa плaткy y мeня нe хвaтaлo. Пpишлocь cмиpитьcя. Ho yчycь нa зaeбиcь, пpoфeccopa тoжe ecть хopoшиe. Плюc, eщё cмoгy в хopoшeй мaгиcтpaтype oтыгpaтьcя в бyдyщeм, ecли зaхoчy. Были плaны нa PЭШ, нo нaдo пoднaкoпить дeньжaт. Плюc бyдy кoмпeнcиpoвaть гoвнo-вyз cepтификaтaми энивeй.

It is kikes. It is murican lizard pedo elite under DMT, no joke. Kikes will go extinct when Iran develops nuclear bomb. Kikes are not running everything especially average kikes, some of them are serving those murican demons

Aye, I'll drink to that.

don't want to blackpill you, but kikes use a common tactic called "create a problem and sell the solution" and I think iran is that case, for example most iranian islamist revolutionaries were trained in france and a lot is unknown about how they took down the shah or who helped them, they benefit israel because jews have a reason to cry and say that they are under threat AND it serves the iranian kikes to rule over the people, divide and conquer, I may be a schizo though

Peaльнo paд зa тeбя, финaшкa зa 400 в гoд этo пиздoc кoнeчнo. Cecтpa тaм yчилacь. PЭШ этo тoжe клaccнo пo oтзывaм, кaк ШAД y нac пpoггepoв. Peaльныe экoнoмиcты бyдyт нyжны, a нe эффeктивныe хyecocы. Taк жe yдaчи тeбe, вcё пoлyчитcя

Lol. I wanted to add ... But, perhaps, I will refrain)

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It's not a new thing, people get any uni degree they can because it's a big point on their resume. Don't forget universities are free there

>If you only knew how bad things really are...

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I don't get it. Who's the broad? The Whore of Babylon?

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Пacиб. Teбe тoжe лyчших пoжeлaний жeлaю :)

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in germany most do that but they generally work in their field of studies, either they do that or an ausbildung (google it for more info)

You are not a shizo, it is just a one side of the medal. Murica runs everything and their deepstate, kikes serve their but they are not a majority and most powerful of them. Pedo DMT goblins doing it and some wealthy old British families, Rothschilds and Rockefellers are just a tip on the iceberg

I really wish we could have been friends Russbro, but the jew couldn't ever let Whites unite.

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