Why are NPCs like this?

Like why would you threaten to kill a black man whose opinion you disagree with and then claim you're anti racist and anti fascist? Is the KKK still a thing?


Archived tweet:


Attached: Screenshot_20220624-192301-075.png (1080x592, 114.91K)

Other urls found in this thread:


user, I hate to be the "DA DUMBOCRATS R DA REEL RACISTS" guy but establishment Dems look down on niggers and spics with utter hatred and contempt.

Attached: 1641287388291.png (894x773, 48.03K)

Redfern! I know that guy, he's the primary thought leader of the left. Holds rallys that exceed rock concerts. His viewership is bigger than Fox news, he has more followers than Donald Trump and Elon Musk combined. His tweets literally move markets and set political policy

Yea, we should listen to this twitter guy

Why would you threaten a federal judge? That's like guaranteed prison time even if you claim it was just shitposting

Its because black or white, he is a fucking asshole.

Murder's legal if you're left-wing

That's just the establishment generally

>screeches at boomers taking an unguided tour of the Capitol

KEK, how retarded is this guy? Why would he willingly just hand his own conviction to the justice system like that?

Never applied to leftists, a right winger would be behind bars within an hour. For leftists they just go "oh he doesn't really mean it, he's just understandably angry and upset right now. For rightwingers they go "Omg a white supremasist domestic terrorist!!!"

Government employees won't be able to afford good lawyers.


I mean, when leftists have been allowed to get away with everything prior, why would they think this time any different?

That's a hell of a way to throw away your life.

Imagine being this naive

Maybe I'm just optimistic.

Normally yes but if you actually say 'assasinate' then it's over, you just confessed to a criminal conspiracy. Usually leftist revolutionary larpers say shit like 'abort the court' and 'burn it down' but dry snitching is just wtf

Baggem and taggem' bois.

Another one:

Attached: 1.png (558x206, 15.86K)

Oh shit. You know who that fucking is??? That's Alex. This dude has so much influence that he's pretty much his own city state.
Alex is gonna motivate his base so much that the feds will want to push for knife bans

Lmao this is 2016 levels of seething

Take your meds

nothing's worse for lefties than noggs/women/fags who have different opinions than them. they see them as traitors.