Abortion isn’t completely banned

It’s just up to the states to decide.
Why the fuck are liberals in California acting like the fucking world is ending??

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cause they gotta move back to commiefornia lol

Because it's about complete and absolute control and power over (You), and they lost some of that today.

The news is 100% feelings and emotional pandering. Nobody cares about logical thought.

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they don't understand how anything works is why.
they also want everything that they want to be imposed on the rest of the world.

why stop at the states? how about per county. or per city. or per neighborhood. or, you know, per person.

empathy sickness
take the indifference pill

Because that's now the constitution is written, dufus.

Then apply that logic to gun rights and fully automatic weapons etc etc.
>but guns CAN kill people
yes but abortions ONLY and ALWAYS kill people

>per person
Good idea. I wonder what the percentage of people who wish they would have been aborted before birth is in the general population.

Idk seems kinda stupid and unnecessary

Because they are too stupid to know that.

Because conservative Christians are going to turn up and vote for abortion bans at the state level
This was never about women's health or individual rights, but voter turnout
An overwhelming majority of voters are okay with at least *some* restriction on abortion, but Democrat donors will not tolerate any restrictions on abortion. They are literally "stab the baby in the head" abortion fanatics.
This hasn't been a problem so long as the federal government made anti-abortion laws unconstitutional, but that has obviously changed and so Democrats are going to to be in for an abortion fight

this is an assault on the central sacrament of their religion, goy

Yeah but if you live in a democrat majority run state that doesn’t even matter

fucking beautiful

a parasite that doesnt have brain function is a person to you?

Maybe this will cause a nigger exodus to california since they're the ones getting the most abortions

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how do you know that babies in the womb don't have brain function, do you have brain function?

>or, you know, per person.
Maybe even per fetus

An unborn baby by definition isn’t a parasite

A step backwards is like a kill shot to leftism. It's never about the issue being argued over and entirely about silencing the opposition so that there is none. Once opposition coalesces leftists, historically, hang from lampposts.

yes, it is. its the exact definition.

theres really no dispute by anyone when brain function begins during the 9 month term.

how does a baby know how to grow then? magic?

neat deflection. not sure why youre asking me that.

>it's the exact definition
Letter of the law pilpul satanic kike horseshit. You want to kill babies you are going to have to do it in your commie hives exclusively. And in time the commie filth will all move back to the commie hive states and the few good people remaining there will move to none commie states and then God will remind the world what smiting looks like.

women arent capable of rational thoughts

because media wants to drum up a narrative and niggercattle are happy to oblige
they either get the retards out to vote in november or they just rig it and claim it was abortion-driven
gets the attention off joe and his economy for a bit

Because they can't force their enemies to kill babies.

sounds good stay mad

unfeasible, mexicans hate blacks

because the tv said to be mad about it

antisemitism has no place here you bigot

Partially , partially because glowniggers and feds are butthurt that they had power taken from them and put back into State hands. That shit infuriates the fuck outta them.