
Holy hell, the Libs are losing it like I've never seen before. [pic related]

Attached: LibSalt.jpg (1080x1223, 146K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Maybe we should all report the Twitter account for racism.

You missed this gem too.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-06-25 at 00.20.27.png (1240x270, 64.49K)


Democrats are the real racists.

Attached: 1655976331363.png (1366x768, 1000.97K)

The bitch deleted the post though.

Lol damn bitch just try and be careful having sex before fucking running your fucking mouth. No you get to sweat it out like mean when you throw a load like a retard

Lol. The true colors begin to show.

With that post you got some fat groid who's hairline starts in the middle of skull talking about weak genes, they genuinely think they're going to be the majority lol.

>The bitch deleted the post though.
She deleted the original, but this is her defence tweet:

That one needs to be seized and cultivated...

Attached: 1642602715843.jpg (640x556, 29.47K)

Ohh the comments are so good. Thats what these pieces of shit get for aiding in elevating fucking name calling into a life ruining offense.

No snitchin

she has a tweet where she censored asshole into a$$hole but doesn't mind dropping NIGGER because it's meant to have a deeper meaning behind it
well at least now she'll understand why there are so many right wingers, possibly
can she be saved? 5 cats living alone favourite colour purple and working in graphic design?
i fucking doubt it

>Doesnt the NIGGERS realize that they are a protected class because they are NIGGERS THAT ARE STUPID ANIMALS
- de democrat state of mind.

Like I said in a previous thread that was slid fast. RECORD EVERYTHING. Screenshot and record every call to violence, every threat and every riot.

This. I for one welcome the black babies that will be born

>I am a graphic designer
was/were, faggot... YOU made it that way

>5x more fatherless blacks
holy shit, theres going to be so many drugs and black bussy in 14 years when theyre old enough to be savage criminal degenerates

It is cool Kate

Attached: cool.png (901x390, 56.83K)

What sad people these idiots are, I swear

holy shit she used the heckin n-word! cancel her now!!!!

you realize the type of shit that gets posted on this board every day?

Based female for once

I like how she just open pandora box in muttmerica and don't even realize it.

They should ride her for being racist

She's been on twitter for 11 years and only had 50 followers. Now she has 275. That's the power of the word nigger.

Ty user,good so ysauce quality salt

report for hate speech

>you realize the type of shit that gets posted on this board every day?
Yes, but this is an angry Lib who believes she's morally superior to you, being so fucking clueless, she's flushed her liberal reputation down the toilet. Honestly, I can fap to this.

God I wish I was a Jew watching this shitstorm while comfy in Israel. Fight dumb goy idiots -- fight!