Most abortions are college-aged White women

You fell for the statistics put about by Jewish abortionists.
Most abortions are college aged White women. Most abortion clinics are rural white areas particularly near college campuses.
The "only niggers get abortions" meme is propaganda to get Whites to support it.
Niggers actually get paid by the gov to shit out nigglets they abuse and neglect.
All abortion statistics pertaining to race are reported solely by abortionists.
Now dozens of you niggerbrains will post statistics published by Planned Parenthood as "proof" that I am wrong.

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Nice muscles

Nah I don't habeeb it. Black women get an insane amount of abortions.

I don’t care about race and just think there should be limits on abortion

i mean you make a great argument, but an aborted nigger is still one less nigger.

There are more abortion clinics in rural White Oregon than in Portland where most of the population and all of the niggers live.

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I don't care either way, this country is doomed and I will not brook talk about investing in its future. We need soldiers, not voters, and this current generation are not soldiers, so we have to make one that is.

Good. This way they will leave those indoctrination camps.

nice one user muscle cougars are my favourite workout vid. I could care less about knocked up roasties though make them have the little vax tards and teach their cunt a lesson.

I'm thinking based, have a bump good sir

yet every where I go I see nigglets and spiclets all over the place. When's the last time you saw a little White kid out in public somewhere?
I live in a 90% White county and I still hardly see White kids.

I know four women who had abortions. Zero were white. Two asian, two black.

You probably don't notice the white kids because they don't make you seethe.

>degenerate roided old bags

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I dont believe you. Women dont go around announcing their abortions to people.
And maybe White women are more likely to keep quiet about that chinks and niggers.

post moar i dont care stinking euro nigger rape baby.

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>no source

>stinking euro nigger rape baby.
>he doesnt know that roidfags and whores smell like melted plastic
You're definitely a nigger cattle goy, your taste is absolute diarrhea, filthy subhuman niggerdog paki kike cumshot ricochet.

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please provide a source not provided by abortion clinics to prove me wrong.

so you just made it up

I'm taking a series of observations and constructing a theory.
Interesting how I am required to provide proof but abortion clinics are simply taken at their word when they report statistics about race and no one dares question it.

>Interesting how I am required to provide proof
yes, makes you think doesn't it, hmm? it's almost like I'm a pro-choice democrat on a vpn trying to discredit you

Them pits!

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