It took 12 years, 3 superpowers and the resources of the entire planet to stop 1 man

>it took 12 years, 3 superpowers and the resources of the entire planet to stop 1 man.

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O.M.G. guyssss this irrelevant german politican from last century is so hecking based and red-pilled....

still lost

aw if only he was competent
why can germany only losing the wars is?

Wait til his spirit arises again.

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Hitler was a poor military strategist and prone to letting his ego cloud his judgement.
He's a loser, but as a Germo*d you probably identify as a loser, so I guess that checks out.

Funny how hard they try to recolor his brown eyes blue... Sad!

Europeans can reach the stars when they arent under kike influence. So many years wasted for nothing, so many lives wasted Hitler saw grand I completly understand him now. We deserve better than being nigger cattle.

>was being funded by JP Morgan

I have the greatest love and respect for this man, but let's not ascribe too much to him. It took all that to crush Germany.

I think hitler was a kike but anyone who says it was wrong for him to attack russia is retarded

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Lost because the Anglos backstabbed us, their Germanic cousins and allied with Jews and communists. The eternal anglo is why our world turned into globohomo with trannies and niggers everywhere.

Then as now none of these supposed superpowers were as super as they appeared.

Jews are so afraid of Hitler that they make massive propaganda against him 80 years after his tragic defeat.

>see that man, chud jr.? That's what a real hero looks like.

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>Lost because the Anglos backstabbed us
They already paid the toll... they lost their Empire.

I know, right?! It’s amazing what a closeted one-ball gay man can do when he puts his mind to it, sweetly!

I miss him so much, bros.

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Hitler was right

And the thing is that they actually didn't, they only delayed it. Brutus and the senators stabbing Julius didn't stop the rise of Caesar only delayed it, for Caesar, Hitler, etc are not men they are something more. You kill one form they will just return in another, Julius then took the form of his nephew Augustus and Hitler will take a new form soon enough. I'm absolutely positive Hitler will return in our lifetime and this time he will not be stopped.


Sorry to diasapoint you, but its flat.

>to stop 1 man
ya ya he did all by himself million of peoples died fighting for an ideology but ya 1 man

he's way more useful for (((them))) idolized than forgotten

Based kike

>Don't follow the guy who had the same struggle as you do and was succesfull in defeating the jews
Why are you so retarded?

yea he was awful deterring

> successful defeating the jews
……….. the guy was kino but absolutely useless against the international jew

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I want to be BFF with Hitler

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One only needs to look at this failed state they created. Supposedly created for the welfare of the 'Jewish people' but subjects half of the population to poverty and miserable living conditions. Jews are so parasitic they suck on eachother when there is no goy to swindle. I want to be a fucking honorary Aryan if another Reich rises

TBQH all EU was against USSR!
French, Italians, H*ngarians and shit!

So, fuck off, T*rk!

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Anybody even know wtf this leaf-bot is talking about?
For the record, Judea started WW2. Hitler wanted to avoid that shit.
“The Final Battle for Europa” vid on Bitchute is probably the only recorded truth about the war & Hitler anywhere on the gay af interwebs.

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And in the end, he chose to throw his might against the Communists knowing he would lose, in the faint hope he could stave them off for a decade or so

Churchill is a mass murdering monster who chose to kill British people on record; Hitler is accused of the same things as reported by Communists with enormous amounts of proof it didn't happen (no Prussian Blue except in clothing delousing cabs, that didn't have wooden doors, because that would be suicidal).

He defeated them in Germany and challanged their power worldwide after that. But then we were backstabbed by Anglos